Chapter 6

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"Now then, let us begin the show!" The magician cried out with enthusiasm as he fished out a coin from his pocket.

Kuro rose an eyebrow at that and he nearly jumped when the suspicious-looking pink haired man pointed at someone close to him but not essentially him, and he looked at who he was pointing to and saw that it was Tsubaki.

Tsubaki seemed to be donning the look of confusion and slight shock as he pointed at himself to reaffirm that the magician was pointing at him and when the latter nodded, he decided to step out.

The magician clasped a hand over Tsubaki's shoulder and he announced while flipping the coin on one hand,"Now, ladies and gentlemen, I shall show you all a trick! A coin flipping trick!"

"This person right here is going to flip the coin," He says as he places the coin onto the raven's hand,"but before he flips it, I shall guess whether the outcome will be heads or tails. If I don't guess it correctly, then he shall walk off with the coin. But if I do..."

A sickening smirk spread out on his face as a glimmer of mischievousness flashed across his eyes,"...Then there will be consequences."

The temperature in the vicinity dropped drastically once he said that.

"Oh, he's gonna be killed. I just know it," Mahiru grumbled underneath his breath, allowing for only Kuro to hear as he was literally perched on the bluenette's shoulder.

"Only if he dies," Kuro replied without skipping a beat, hiding his slight concern underneath a façade of nonchalance.

Mahiru stared at him in slight confusion and incredulity with a face that screamed 'shouldn't that be obvious you airhead?',"...Yes. That's what 'killing him' means..."

Kuro sighed disappointedly in reply, and whether that disappointment was directed at himself or to Mahiru, no one will ever know.

He was about to call out to Tsubaki, to tell him to come back because this guy meant trouble but the raven eagerly nodded without a care in the world (ah, ignorance was bliss) and fiddled with the coin.

"Now then!" The magician exclaimed as he pointed at the raven,"I shall go on a limb and guess that your next toss's outcome will be tails! Done saying that, you shall now flip the coin!"

Tsubaki nodded once more as his finger jolted up, bringing the coin along with the momentum, and Kuro's and Mahiru's eyes (as well as the audience's) stared intently at the coin as it drafted and sliced through the air.

It was like the earth was suddenly in slow-motion and Kuro could easily see the coin turning, and his eyes widened.

The outcome was going to be tails, just like the magician had predicted.

He wished his feet would move, he really did wish that they did. He tried to push his feet into moving and sprinting for the clueless raven to get him out of the mess that he had brought on himself, but his feet only moved a fraction of a centimeter, and all he could do was watch the coin slowly fall back to Tsubaki's hand with wide eyes.

Tsubaki caught the coin with ease as his palm was spaced out, and everybody could obviously see the coin on the tail's side being displayed out, causing 'oohs' and 'wow' and 'aahs' from the crowd.

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