Chapter 4

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The two walked along the streets without a care in the world— scratch that, Mahiru was languidly lazing on Kuro's shoulders while the latter was grumbling about something that concerned on how buying groceries was a chore to do and that he'd rather just buy instant ramen noodles.

"Shut up. This is for your own good. Seriously, how lazy are you to not even buy proper food? Even an immortal being like me who doesn't necessarily need a lot of food to survive can eat healthier than you," Mahiru's squeaky voice snarked as he pushed his lynx-head nearer to his ear, sending electric shocks up his spine.

It's fur brushed against his earlobe and he had to bite down and quell the screaming entity inside of him that told him to throw the lynx off his shoulders.

It wasn't necessarily bad to the touch, but it wasn't good either because god knows what has become of the people who have dared touch him in such a place; skewered alive, definitely. But, well, he'll bear with it for now.

His sharp eyes caught onto the convenience store that had the big and bold sign of 'OPEN 24/7' pasted on top of it, and he wondered if it was really what it was stated to be, to be open all the time. The night-shift workers had to be paid more then.

He treaded into the domain that he has tried to avoid so many times just because he deemed it a hassle to and had ordered food to come to his house, and he squinted his eyes at the bright lights that overstimulated his senses as he hissed at it; why did all stores have lights this bright? He hated it.

A grumbling sigh escaped out of his mouth as he instantly headed for the instant-noodle cups section, only to be slapped on his cheek by a tail that belonged to the lynx on his shoulders.

"What?" He glared at it, wondering why he had picked up such a troublesome little animal.

( "Because you wanted to. You picked it up because you felt that in some way, it would repay 'him', didn't you? You naïve fool. Nothing that you will ever do would ever pay 'him' back," a voice resounded through his mind. )

"Shut up," He growled lowly with animalistic anger that made Mahiru turn his head to look at him with concern, and once he noticed that, he looked away and apologised,"sorry, that was not meant to be directed at you."

Mahiru nodded his head in return, seemingly obedient for once and he scoffed at that; when had he ever been this docile since the afternoon? There must be some kind of trick or trap going on here. And he didn't want to find out.

Just when he was going to take a step back into his paradise, another slap on the cheek came and by this time, he had enough of the lynx's plays.

He grabbed onto the tail and he snarled with underlying venom in his words,"What the hell are you doing that for? What do you want? Stop slapping me with your godforsaken tail or I will cut it by the time we go back home."

Mahiru dramatically gasped softly in his ear,"Animal cruelty! I'll have every animal agency sue you! And let me remind you, you picked me up. You shouldn't have. And I am also an exotic species so a lot of organisations will come after you. You are such a cruel human."

Kuro clicked his tongue in annoyance as he released his grip on the poor tail,"How dramatic are you? You do know that if you sue me, they will take you as well, right? They'll lock up in a tight and secluded cage for god who knows how long."

Mahiru's lynx-body shrugged in compliance,"So be it. Nothing that I haven't gone through before, lynx or human form."

"Wait, human form? What the hell does that mean? What have you been through—"

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