Chapter 7

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The new-Despair duo had a death-stare showdown with Pinky while the contract's chains shone in the air, but the Servamp of the three, Despair who was now named as Mahiru, conceded defeat as he turned away with a slouch of his shoulders, much to the confusion of the others.

"Forget this. I'm not going to participate. It would only make things much worse and complicated for me. And I like simple things so I'm not going to participate," Mahiru groaned as he stretched his limbs and started walking off, but got restrained when Kuro tugged on the chains and dragged him back to his original place.

"Give it up already, you can't run from this. I don't have a weapon, and you're the only one who can fight this guy. Now stop running. What a pain," Kuro growled as he pulled the brunette back, much to the latter's protests.

Mahiru shook his head as he proudly declared to them,"I'm a man of peace! Violence is not the answer. I'd rather talk things out than fight it out with our fists."

"Of course you would. You're him after all," Kuro mumbled beneath his breath, piquing the brunette's curiosity.

"What did you say?"

"Huh? Oh, uh, nothing," Kuro mumbled as he averted his gaze away, arousing Mahiru's suspicions and confusion but he decided that it was much simpler to just drop it off and left it at that.

Tired of being ignored by them, Pinky decided that this would be the perfect timing to announce his presence and cleared his throat loudly, finally catching the rests' attention.

He grinned in achieving his goal and he sang,"A Servamp, huh? How unfortunate! As long as you're chained to your master, you can forget about showing off your true power! How lame and boring! Not much of a vampire. And you have to listen to a human out of all things!"

"Nah, thinking simply, it's not that bad," Mahiru responded as he pointed at Kuro with his spear,"as long as he doesn't blame anything on me and deal with each others' crap, it's fine. In fact, it may be for the best. I can literally get away scotch-free."

"What?" Kuro questioned as he turned to look at Mahiru with a questioning gaze, perplexed at the whole situation.

"Thinking simply, all I have to do is point at that guy and say 'he made me do it' and I can get away with anything. No blame, no guilt, no responsibilities. It's a pretty sweet deal," Mahiru compromised with a smile, choosing to ignore the death glare that his new-Eve was giving him from behind.

"Hm, I guess that's true," Pinky agreed, also choosing to ignore the 'hey, don't agree and encourage him' from Kuro as well, and Mahiru and him stared at each other in recognition.

'What's this, mutual-vampire-connection?' Kuro sighed as he stared the both of them down in disappointment.

Pinky broke off the staring before a smirk returned on his face, causing uncertainty rumble up from the depths of Mahiru's heart,"You keep emphasising the 'no blame' part of the deal. Why, is it because of your sin? Is it because of the fact that if people blame you for something, with your sin adding on, your mask might break from the pain? Is that why you're okay with the contract? Because you're scared?"

Kuro stared at Mahiru, then at the magician, and he questioned with a worried voice,"Mahiru?"

Mahiru didn't reply to him for a few seconds before he turned to Kuro with a plastic smile on his face that anybody could see through,"Don't worry about what this guy's saying. It's all lies anyways."

Pinky seemed to relish in Mahiru's reaction to his words as he added salt to the wound,"Are you sure? Your smile is really fake right now, you know? Is your mind tormenting you until now? Of course it is. You're the embodiment of despair after all. Being in the constant state of absence of hope must definitely be mind-crushing—"

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