i remember now.

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remember when I said this all takes place before the game? I lied. This takes place after the game. Joey was fused with Bendy, against Bendy's will. Henry saved Bendy, and killed Joey. When he killed Joey, he silenced the Ink Machine forever. Bendy tells Henry that some of the workers that were possessed may be alive, which brings us to now.

Henry walked toward the entrance to the Music Department. Bendy followed closely in tow, holding on to his pants.

"Listen Henry, he may or may not be alive. Just know that if he isn't, I'm here for you." Bendy told Henry.

"Thanks, Bendy." Henry replied, his nervousness bubbling up inside him. He walked to the room where Henry last saw Sammy, or that inky, hollow shell of Sammy. He pulled open the door to see Sammy on all fours, coughing up ink.

But it wasn't the inky Sammy. It was human Sammy. His blond hair was slightly longer than a mullet, cascading in front of his face as more ink was hacked up. He was shirtless, only wearing his ratty, inky suspenders. The mask he was wearing was several inches away from him.

"Sammy? Are you ok?" Henry asked. Sammy's face snapped up, his blue eyes staring into Henry's green ones.

"Who are you?" Sammy asked. Tears welled up in Henry's eyes at this question. He ran toward the man he married so long ago, and dropped to his knees, cupping Sammy's face in his hands.

"Sammy, it's me, Henry, your husband!" Henry spoke. "Do you remember me?"

"Who is Sammy?"

"Please, Sammy, this is ridiculous, please remember!"

Sammy could not remember. He didn't know who this man was, or why he was heavily injured or covered in Ink. He didn't know who he was, he didn't know where he was, he could not remember.

"Give me your left hand." Henry stated firmly. Sammy cautiously raised his left hand towards Henry. Henry grabbed it, running his thumb over the gold wedding ring on his ring finger. Engraved on it were the words To Hell And Back.

"See right here! These words! Please tell me you know what they mean." Henry asked desperately, tears streaming down his face.

"I can't remember. I'm sorry."

"Please, Sammy, I love you." Henry said desperately. "To hell and back."

To Hell And Back.

At the mention of those words, memories came flooding back to him. He remembered singing to the man before him. He remembered kissing the man before him. He remembered marrying the man before him. He remembered loving the man before him. He remembered everything.

"Henry?" Sammy asked. Henry snapped up his head, his green eyes wide behind his square, cracked glasses.

"You remember?" Henry asked, a huge smile spread on his face.

Sammy nodded, causing Henry to pull him into a hug. Tears steamed down both of their faces, happy to be reunited after so long. When Bendy popped in from the door, he suddenly remembered his insane ink-self. He remembered worshiping that toon. He remembered sacrificing the man he married.

"Oh my god, oh shit, why did I do that?" Sammy asked himself. Henry looked up, his concernment clear in his facial expression.

"I... I... Sacrifice.... Sheep..." Sammy stuttered, placing his face in his hands.

Henry pulled his hands away from his face and laced his hands into Sammy's.

"Sammy, whatever happened was in the past, you didn't know what you were doing, you were possessed. But whatever was left over, we can fix it. Because I will never let you go again." Henry told him, truly meaning every word.

Sammy pulled him into a hug, and they stayed like that for a minute. When Sammy noticed Bendy standing there, feeling awkward, he outstretched his arm to let Bendy into the hug. Bendy pointed at himself, and Sammy nodded at him.

Bendy lunged into the group hug, feeling esctatic that he gets to feel love again, after being trapped in Joeys heartless body.

Something told them that everything is going to be ok.

originally published nov 18,2017

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