remember me

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A.N: so basically I was listening to the Coco soundtrack and tried to come up with a one shot idea for Remember Me, so enjoy!

Henry Lawrence was practically skipping up to his house. He had been in the war for 25 years, and it was rough. He got some scars, mentally and physically. The toughest part for him was liberating concentration camps. Whenever he saw a man with a pink triangle, he would always pull out his locket Sammy gave him, and said: "it's ok, from one homosexual to another."

Sammy! Oh, was Henry excited to see him again. He wondered how Sammy would've changed. Would his blond hair have gray streaks in it? Would he get little wrinkles around his eyes when he smiles? Would his hair be longer, or shorter? These questioned rung through Henry's head as he approached their home.

"Sammy! I'm finally home!" He exclaimed.

No answer.

The place was exactly like Henry left it. Except there were no lights on, and dust covered everything.

"Sammy?" Henry called out weakly. What happened while he was gone? Had he left him?

He went into their room, and found a note, along with a vinyl and a teddy bear. Henry picked up the note, wanting to know.

My Henry,

I'm worried. Joey installed this weird ink machine and has gone off the rails. Employees have been disappearing. The studio has gone to chaos.

I'm scared that I'll disappear, too.

I wrote this note to remind you that I would never leave you. I love you dearly. I love  you too much that it hurts when you cry, or have an anxiety attack. It hurts me to see you like this. So, I don't want you to feel that way over me, if Joey kidnaps me.

Find something that makes you happy.

Do whatever it takes to be happy. I know you probably won't find love again, because Alice said we're soulmates. And she has her aura thing, so it's most likely true. But if you do want to find love again, go for it. Find a man that will treat you like you're the most important person in the world. Because you are.

If it isn't love, find something else. Go animate somewhere else. I heard that Walt Disney Studios is looking for animators! Do something that will make you feel as happy as you are when we're together.

Love yourself, because I'm probably not going to be around to love you.

I love you to hell and back. Don't forget that.

- Sammy

Henry didn't know when he started crying, but he did. He held the note close to his heart, letting the words flow in. He wished he could tell him how much he loved him. He noticed the teddy bear and the vinyl had short notes on them. He picked up the bear first.

In case you need to snuggle something, like how you snuggle up against my chest.

He held the bear tightly, needing it now more than ever. Finally, he picked up the vinyl.

Remember me. Please, don't ever forget me.

Henry popped the vinyl onto the phonograph, sitting down like how a child would listen to their parent tell a story.

He heard the strumming of a guitar, then Sammy's tenor singing voice.

Remember me,
Though I have to say goodbye.
Remember me,
Don't let it make you cry.

For even though I'm far away I hold you in my heart,
I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart.

Remember me,
Though I have to travel far,
Remember me,
And let the love we have live on.

Know that I'm with you,
The only way that I can be.

Until your in my arms again,

Remember me.

Henry started crying all over again. Sammy's songs always got to Henry, even when he wrote a cheesy love song for ukulele when they were dating.

Henry did exactly what Sammy told him to do. Be happy. He got a job as an animator at Walt Disney Studios. He helped animate movies like Alice In Wonderland and Lady & The Tramp. He missed Sammy dearly, but he was doing what Sammy wanted.

Sammy would be proud of him.

~ * ~

"Please, Sammy, It's me! Henry!"

Henry was sitting in front of a blank, hollow Sammy. He wasn't inky anymore, but he lost some memories. Henry was desperately trying to get Sammy to remember.

"Please remember me!"

Remember me! Henry thought. He knew what he had to do. Henry took a breath in, and sang.

Remember me,
Though I have to say goodbye,
Remember me,
Don't let it make you cry

For even though I'm far away, I hold you in my heart,
I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart.

Henry's words sounded shaky, for he was crying. Henry had his eyes closed, so he didn't notice Sammy's eyes light up.

He remembered.

Remember me,
Though I have to travel far,
Remember me,
Each time you hear a sad guitar.

Sammy joined in at this part. Henry's head whipped up, a huge smile on his face, tears streaming down.

Know that I'm with you,
The only way that I can be.

Until you're in my arms again,

Remember me.

The both were staring at the other, both not knowing what to say.

"I guess you found my letter."

"SAMMY!" Henry yelled, lunging onto Sammy. They were both crying, ecstatic to be with each-other. They were a crying huddle of joy on the floor.

After 30 years and many hardships, they were back in each other's arms.

originally published march 28, 2018

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