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~modern au~

Henry looked in the mirror at his final result in his quest for an outfit. Jeans, sneakers, and a Samwell Hockey sweatshirt. He let his hair curl naturally into its curly red cloud, and kept on his glasses. Normal.

He turned towards the clock. The red screen flashed the time, 11:10 pm. He got a text from Sammy, saying he's gonna pick him up at 11. He was getting nervous, with the time. But he knew Sammy, and he's probably doing something extravagant.

His phone pinged, and he grabbed it, seeing a text from Sammy.

Open your window.

Henry turned to his window and tried to open it without waking up his parents or twin sister. He saw Sammy's car, with the windows rolled down. He heard the soft strumming of a ukulele.


Henry chuckled and slowly made his way downstairs and out the door. Once he came out of the door, he heard Sammy's haunting tenor voice cut the silence of the night.

Do you believe in destiny?

Close your eyes and leave the rest to me.

Do you believe in fantasy?

I have to when it's right in front of me, oh.

Henry walked towards the car, the dorkiest smile on his face. Sammy was in a simple black t-shirt and jeans, and tied his mullet into a ponytail.

What are you doing here?

In the real world.

What are you doing here?

So close I can touch you.

What are you doing here?

And what are you doing to, me?

Sammy's last note hung in the air, causing silence between the two. Then Henry laughed. Sammy was, he was such a dork sometimes. He loved how he normally has this cold demeanor towards everyone, but to Henry, he's the biggest dork in the universe.

Sammy opened the door for him, and Henry slid into the car. He looked towards Sammy, who was giving him lovestruck look.

"Hey, handsome."

Henry laughed. Not just a giggle, a genuine, long laugh. Once Henry calmed down, he cupped Sammy's face and connected their lips.

When they finally pulled apart for air, Henry spoke up.

"Care to explain why you texted me an hour until midnight to meet up, then proceed to serenade me with a Steven Universe song?"

Sammy shrugged. "I have some plans."

"Sounds sketchy."

Sammy gave Henry a playful slug to his arm, and looked towards the road.

"It's gonna be fun. I hope you like it."

They drove around for a bit, listening to Sammy's playlist, which consists of almost every song ever. After a bit, Sammy finally stopped in front of a playground.

"A playground? At 11:30 in the night?" Henry asked.

"Thomas said he and Wally broke in, and they ended up fucking on a slide."

"I do not want to be fucked on a slide, Samuel."

Sammy chuckled. "Hey, I thought it could be fun. Yano, reliving our childhood, without the annoying kids and judgy soccer moms."

Henry laughed. It did sound fun. "I'm in."

Sammy climbed the fence, and jumped down. "Climb up, and I'll catch you."

Henry climbed up, and fell into Sammy's arms. "Hey there." Sammy said with a sight smirk.



Henry caught the jist. "Dingaling!" Henry responded.

"Wing Nut!"


This caused a fit of giggles between the two. Henry jumped out of Sammy's arms, and stood next to him. "Now what?"

Sammy stared. "We fuck around."

Sammy ran towards the jungle gym, leaving Henry behind. "HEY!"

The two spent the rest of the time just running around, playing on the playground like they were kids. They shared occasional smooches, and Sammy swears Henry gave him a lap dance at one point, but Henry doesn't remember that.

The two were sitting on top of the rock wall, looking at the night sky, Sammy pointing out occasional constellations. Henry looked at the time on his phone. 3:30 am. Henry looked up at Sammy, noticing how the pale moonlight brought out his cheekbones.

Sammy glanced at Henry, noticing Henry staring at him. "See something you like?" Sammy asked, chuckling.

"Yes, in fact, I do."

"And what might that be?

Henry looked at him for a bit, and pulled him in for a kiss.

Time stood still for the two of them, but they eventually had to pull apart for air. They still held onto each other.


today marks one year ever since I started shipping senry! Damn. One year. I also have something big coming, but I'll release that on sammy & henry's anniversary, september 12th.

It'll change everything.

originally published July 31st, 2018

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