little sheep

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Henry was sitting in Sammy's office, having finished his work for the day and just relaxing in his partner's office. Sammy was writing a new piece of music, when he focused his attention on Henry.

"I just realized how fluffy your hair is." Sammy stated, a slight chuckle in his words.

"What?!" Henry responded, flushing red with embarrassment.

Sammy placed his hand in Henry's curly red hair, twirling it in his fingers. "It's almost like sheep's wool."

"I am not a sheep." Henry told him, crossing his arms over his chest.

"What if I start calling you sheep?" Sammy asked him.

Henry groaned and put his face in his hands, quickly pulling them away when Sammy pulled him into a hug.

"My little sheep!" Sammy said playfully, blowing raspberries in Henry's neck, Henry laughing the whole time, telling Sammy to stop. But truthfully, Henry wished it never ended.

That memory flooded back to Henry while he was tied up in front of Sammy's inky, hollow shell. It was evident that Sammy still had his memories, but he didn't really grasp Henry's identity. This major detail caused Henry to break down right in front of him, Inky Sammy not caring a bit.

This was not the man Henry married.

(Sorry I haven't been active in a while, first school then getting my tumblr up and running. So here's some short and kinda sweet angst!)

originally published nov 23, 2017

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