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"Alright, lets go over this again. If the pressure goes over 45, I screw the safety bolt in tighter, right?"

"No! You do that, you'll blow every pipe in this place! If the pressure goes over 45, you unhook the safety switch."

Thomas Connor was currently in process of teaching Wally Franks how to work the ink machine. Thomas still doesn't understand why Joey told him that he should teach him, Wally is the janitor, not maintenance. But still, Thomas really only gets to see Wally only when they need to fix a pipe. He wanted more time with the New York janitor.

"You sure? Yano, this is a lot harder than comparing ear wax to bee's wax!" Wally replied with a smirk. Thomas just rolled his eyes, unaware of the pink dust on his cheeks.

"Look, it's not that difficult" Thomas started with a softer tone. "You just need to keep an eye on the gauge."

"Look pal, if you think I'm doin' my job and yours, I'm outta here!"

Thomas sighed and removed the cigarette from his mouth, tossing it into the nearby ash tray.

"Look, Walls, I'm not implying I'd dump my work on you." Thomas started, his voice soft.

Thomas placed a hand on Wally's shoulder. "We're the two most overworked in
this entire studio. I was thinking we should split the load."

There was a short amount of silence before Wally placed a hand on Thomas's cheek. "You could've told me that from the beginning, Tom." Wally answered back, his voice equally as soft.

Thomas's face flushed a bright red, causing the janitor to laugh. "Gee, I say one thing about you and you immediately shut down."

"Hey-" Thomas was immediately silenced when Wally crashed his lips onto his. Thomas took one second to process what just happened, and kissed his loved back.

Their lips moved rhythmically together, like they both knew exactly what to do. Of course, it was this moment Joey walked onto the balcony, witnessing the scene below him.

"HEY!" The two men immediately pulled apart and looked up towards a fuming Joey. "IM PAYING YOU TO TEACH, NOT SMOOCH!" Joey yelled.

"Sorry, Mr. Drew" they both replied.

Joey shook his head and walked off muttering: "they're just as bad as Lawrence & Singer."

The two looked at each other, and broke out into laughter. The rest of the training session involved jokes, laughter, and occasional kisses. Once it was over, they were propped up against a wall, cuddling.

Thomas looked at Wally's calm, sleeping figure. He slowly planted a kiss on his forehead and dozed off into sleep.

He may not see Wally enough, but when he does, it's always one of the best moments Thomas can think of.

A.N: I'm back from hiatus with a one shot that isn't senry, surprising I know.

originally published June 5, 2018

this was written before chapter 5 before you comment about Allison

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