why don't you like your birthday, sammy?

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( aye later in this oneshot Sammy sings the song above and yes I know it's from the book of life I'm a slut for day of the dead stuff yet my mom refuses to see Coco bc of the frozen short ;-; so anyways, on with the oneshot!)

(also in my universe Sammy's birthday is april 5th but I wanted to write this.)

Joey Drew is an optimistic person. So, naturally, he knows everyone's birthday. And when it's going to be someone's birthday, he always tells the person who's closest to the person who's birthday it is. So, on April 1st, (when almost no one shows up to work bc of the toons pulling pranks,) Joey naturally told Henry about Sammy's birthday.

Now, Henry loved birthdays. He loved the passing of another year in your life, and he loved all the festivities of birthdays. Henry told Sammy about his birthday, and Sammy naturally got him presents. But Sammy never told Henry about his. He avoided it every time Henry brought it up.

So, Henry went out to a small bakery before work on Sammy's birthday and picked out a double chocolate cupcake for him. (chocolate was Sammy's favorite!) Later that day, Henry made his way to the Music Department to give Sammy his cupcake. He knocked on his office door, hearing Sammy's gruff voice come from behind the door.

"Come in."

Henry opened the door, hiding the cupcake behind his back. "Hey Sam!" Henry said in a positive tone.

"Oh, hey Henry!" Sammy said, clearly in a more positive mood now that Henry is here.

"So, today is a very special day, apparently!" Henry exclaimed. Henry is a huge kid when it comes to holidays. Sammy tells him that he's a 7 year old trapped in a 26 year old's body.

"It is?" Sammy said in a confused tone.

Henry pulled the cupcake from behind his back and extended it to him. On the box, it had "Happy Birthday!" Written in sharpie. Sammy's face was shocked. Then he shook his head. "I can't."

"What?" Henry asked.

"I can't do this, Henry."

"Why not? It's your birthday!"

"Well I don't celebrate it anymore!" Sammy snapped.

"Why don't you celebrate it?" Silence. "Why don't you celebrate your birthday, Sammy?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Why not? I told you everything about me. You need to hold up your end."

"I said I don't want to talk about it!" Sammy snapped. Any sane person would let it drop at this point, clearly seeing that Sammy was pissed off. But Henry was determined to find out.

Actually, both of them were mad at this point. Henry was pissed that Sammy wasn't holding his promise of this relationship. Sammy was pissed that Henry wouldn't drop it.

"Tell me now, Sammy! Please! I won't leave until you tell me!"


Sammy immediately regretted yelling when he saw Henry's reaction. Tears were streaming down his face, his face pain-stricken.

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