studio christmas headcanons - where everyone goes

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Merry Christmas Eve! I just whipped up some headcanons about where everyone would go. Henry and Sammy's is actually one I thought of for quite a while.

Joey - used to spend it with the toons, he now spends it with Susie.

Henry - him and Sammy spend it in the studio with the toons. You see, last Easter, Henry kinda let it slip that he has a boyfriend, so his family stopped talking to him. When they found out Joey was leaving for the holidays, they decided to stay here with the toons. Henry really likes the toons, while Sammy made them sign a contract to not pull pranks. They just stayed in the studio so they can be together for Christmas, and not worry about neighbors.

Wally - he doesn't really have a family, and neither does Thomas, so they just stay at Thomas's place and fuck around. (literally)

Norman - him and his wife Amy-Lee go down to Norman's home state and spend it with his family.

Shawn - he spends it with his girlfriend Sydney and her family.

Allison - she spends it with her family, even though the frown upon her for not being married yet. It's not her fault she likes girls better.

Grant - he spends it at home with his wife Chloe and their kids.

originally published December 24, 2017

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