getting her back

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Henry stared at "Alice's" doors, the scene looking completely different. Now that Joey is dead, Bendy is free, and Sammy is by his side again, he should leave the studio, right? He desperately wants to, but first he has to save one more person: Alice. And he was not looking forward to facing Susie again.

"Alright, Bendy, stay here with Sammy." Sammy was still pretty weak from being an ink monster for 28 years.

"Please be careful. I just returned, I don't want to lose you after you lost me." Sammy pleaded, a look of concern on his face. Henry chuckled and planted a small kiss on his cheek.

"I will be."

Henry pried open the doors and stepped inside, his nervousness bubbling up inside him. When he turned the corner, he saw Alice on the floor. Toony Alice.

"Alice? Are you ok?" Henry asked.

Alice looked up, her pie cut eyes staring into Henry's green ones. Henry crouched down and extended his hand. "Let's go, Sammy and Bendy are waiting outside." At the mention of Bendy, Alice recoiled. "Don't worry, he isn't merged with Joey."

At that moment, there was distant female laughter. "Well, well, well, look at what we have here!" A shadowy figure of a woman appeared. "What is it with you Lawrence's and taking dear little Alice from me?"

Henry gasped. He knew who it was.

The shadowy figure stepped forward, and there stood Susie Campbell. Her mouth was halfway torn open, and her left eye socket was empty. Just like "Alice." Her shirt, skirt, and suspenders were torn and inky.

Henry grabbed Alice's wrist and ran for the exit, but the doors slammed. "You aren't going anywhere, Singer. Or is it Lawrence now? Quite rude of you for not inviting me to the wedding."

"Let us go." This experience in the studio made him much tougher than he was 30 years ago.

"You really think it'll be that easy? After what you and the other Lawrence did 30 years ago?"

"WE did? More like what YOU did! You did unspeakable things! You caused me to have quite a lot of mental problems!"

"ENOUGH! Oh, I'll hurt you. Just like I did 30 years ago. But I will get her back. I will be beautiful again. I will be the angel of the stage again. Even if I have to pry her from your cold, dead hands. Now, do as you're told and give her back. NOW!"

Right after that, a strong flow of ink burst the door open, and landed on Susie, trapping her. But it didn't kill her. There, at the center of the door, stood Bendy, his arm outstretched and his face quite shocked.

"I did not know I could do that." Bendy whispered.

Henry noticed the axe propped up next to Bendy and grabbed it. He knew what he had to do.

"This is for ruining my experience in my dream job!" Henry yelled, bringing the axe down on Susie's left arm.

"This is for misunderstanding Sammy and being a psycho about a small situation!" Off came the right.

"And this is for all of my mental heath problems, the nights I couldn't sleep worrying about what you were going to do to me the next day, the scars on my chest, and the cuts on my arms. It's time for you to go to hell where you belong, Susannah Campbell." And down came the axe on Susie's chest, killing her instantly.

Henry dropped the axe, stupefyed. He just killed a person. Yes, He killed Joey, but that was the only way to leave this horror show. This was all on him.

Sammy walked up to him. "Hey Hen, are you alright?" Sammy asked in that soothing tone that Henry missed so much. Henry just buried his face into Sammy's chest, tears spilling down his face.

When he pulled away, Alice walked up to him. "Henry?" Alice asked. Henry looked at her.

"Thank you for saving me."

"You're welcome." Henry said. "Now to finally leave this old studio, once and for all."

A.N: This is a sequel to I Remember, just an FYI.

originally published january 29, 2018

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