little something extra

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March 18th.

Henry Singer's Birthday.

Now, Henry's pretty simple when it comes to birthdays. Just a cupcake and maybe a balloon, that's all he really wants. Not a big party.

However, his boyfriend Sammy Lawrence had something else in mind.

The 18th was turning out to be a pretty normal day for Henry, right until he went to work. When he rounded the corner to his office, he saw it had been completely decked out in streamers and balloons. At first, he kind of though Joey did this, until he noticed one thing.

There were two balloons right next to each other. One was blue, and the other was green. They were both shaped like hearts.

"I know you did this, Sammy, you can come out."

Sammy suddenly ran in from that closet with the staircase and hugged/picked up Henry. "Happy Birthday Henry!"

Henry laughed at the ridiculousness of Sammy. One of Henry's favorite thing about Sammy is how he acts towards him. To everyone else, he's grouchy and barely talkative. But, when it's just him and Sammy together, he's more happy & loving. It's like he unlocked a new side of him. A caring, trusting, happy side of Sammy that only he got to see.

And he loved him for that.

Sammy placed him on the ground. He handed Henry a slip of paper, kissed his forehead, and left.

Curious, Henry unfolded the slip of paper to reveal a note.

Meet me at my office when your shift is over.

- Sam

Henry softly smiled at the note. Knowing Sammy, he's got a few things under his sleeve for today.

~ * ~

Finally, it was the end of Henry's shift. He slid on a coat and headed toward the music department. When he got to Sammy's office, he was packing a few things up.

"Hey Sammy!" Henry called out. Sammy turned and saw Henry, standing next to him.

"Well, that was quick." They both chuckled. Sammy outstretched his hand, allowing Henry to take it. With their hands intertwined, they left the studio.

The car ride took about half an hour. Sammy parked at the edge of the woods. "Don't worry, it's not makeout hill." Sammy stated, reading Henry's mind. Sammy grabbed Henry's hand and ran into the forest.

Henry was laughing for some reason. It felt like a scene in a movie. Except this would never be a movie, the world would be in shock about a love story between two men. It was sad, keeping their relationship a secret in the real world. Henry could tell Sammy hated it. Sammy would be that partner that would just passionately kiss you in the middle of a busy street. He wants the world to know how much he loves Henry.

And Henry loved him for that.

Sammy abruptly stopped. "It's right here." Sammy whispered. He slowly stepped forwards, allowing Henry to take it all in.

It was a small clearing, right on the edge of a cliff. You could see the whole forest. The lake twinkling in the starlight, the trees swaying in the breeze, it was like a fairytale.

"I chose to take you here, because I thought you liked the forest. I've heard rumors that people like the thing that's closely related to the color of their eyes. I thought it was true, considering I love the ocean. I thought you would like the forest." Sammy stated.

"Oh, Sam, I love it. It's beautiful." Henry spoke, still awestruck about the view.

"Like you." Sammy said. They both noticed the other slightly getting closer and closer. They both knew what was happening, and didn't stop it.

Their lips slowly intertwined. Henry layed his arms on Sammy's shoulders, while Sammy wrapped his arms around Henry's waist.

It was perfect, this moment. No one to stop them. Most couples their age are sophisticated, and, hell, most of them are getting married. But Henry and Sammy? They still act like teenagers sometimes. They run into the forest just so they can have a moment, because there is no where else they can.

And that's just the way they like it.

They slowly pulled apart, and just stared into each other's eyes.

"So, have you liked your birthday this year?" Sammy spoke, his voice slightly hushed.

"Sam, I love it. I loved everything today. I loved the decorations and the forest. I love you for making this special, even though at the beginning I just wanted a simple cupcake."

They both were silent, just absorbing the moment.

"Well, since were standing like this..." Sammy started. Henry was confused, until Sammy pulled him along, slow dancing in the forest.

They danced to the music of the forest. They both were silent, hoping this moment would never end.

The beauty of the moment was too beautiful to interrupt.

originally published march 18, 2018

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