Chapter 8: Meeting the Alpha

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Rebecca pov:

I looked through my clothes trying to find something good and fashionable to wear. But knowing me I knew I had nothing. I'd been searching for some dress over an hour, I don't know why I felt so giddy all of a sudden knowing that I would get to meet the alpha Damien.

Because of that I wanted to make a really good first impression. But damn I can't find anything to wear.

After one an half hour struggle I finally decided to wear a simple pink dress, with my hair straight and little bit of makeup. I had enough time to go to the pack house. So I started eating and left the house.


Finally I'm coming home from the long trip. I just can't wait to be in my room and just sleep it off. I need some much needed rest and then start on my alpha duties, Blake has already taken care of the pack but it's time for me to come back and take my duties.

Some people might think that I travel to different packs in different countries for pack treaties and meeting alpha, but what they don't know is that I've always been traveling to find my one and only Mate!

Ahh Mate! It surely has been a long time, I've lived for many years, mis people my age already have a mate, kids, a family. But me, I'm still a bachelor waiting for my mate to come.

Damien: Once I find her, oh hell I'm never leaving her ever. And I'll make sure she never leaves me no matter what. She's mine and always will be mine. No one will look at her but me, no one will love get but me.


I turn left on the street and the gates to the pack house opens up. Blake would know that I'm here and everyone else, and I'm sure they'll all be waiting eagerly to see me after so many months. I drive through the circle and see most of the pack standing outside, I smile. Good old family, I stop my car Infront of the door and get out.

Blake: ohh man it sure has been a long time since we have seen you. Welcome home Alpha.

Rebecca POV:

So far everything is going good. Everyone is in a happy mood and from the chaos outside I'm pretty sure Alpha Damien is here.

We all start to walk to the front door. Something smelled so good. That scent, cinnamon and musky smell. It's just so good, I can't get over it. Even my wolf is excited and a bit jumpy at to see who that scent belonged to.

I open my eyes and focus on the Alpha.

Before I could move his eyes look around and stops on me. At that moment I knew who he was.


Damien POV:

As everyone greet me, my wolf starts to feel a bit jumpy, and kept telling me to move ahead, I follow my wolfs instincts. Someone smelled so good. Like a rose. One of my most favourite scent. ROSE.

I look around and stop my eyes on the girl infront of me. I look at her eyes and knew why my wolf was jumpy.

Because she's my Mate.

I can't believe I finally found her, I finally found the one who I'm supposed to live eternity with.

I walk up to her and before she could even say anything i kissed her.

I hope you guys liked the chapter. I'll try to update soon :)

Enjoy and please don't forget to vote and comment.

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