Chapter 13

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“I had no idea he was this bad.”

“No, I know. Poor Peeta. I mean, he looked bad on TV, but I didn’t think…”

I cough weakly and they stop talking. The gas they gave me earlier is starting to wear off and the pain is slightly less now. Prim smiles.

“Peeta, it’s good to see you’re awake. Do you feel okay?” Mrs Everdeen asks.

Being healed by the family of a ruthless killer like Katniss is sort of odd, but I nod anyway.

“I’m alright, thank you.” I mumble.

“Good, do you want a visitor?” Prim asks, sounding excited.

I nod, curious, and they leave.

Three more doctors replace them, and I push myself into a sitting position, with an effort. They ask me to sit on the edge of the bed, and I do so, letting my feet tap on the floor. The doctors check my pulse, pressing hard on my wrists. They flash bright white lights in my eyes, leaving me momentarily blinded. They’re all too close to me, and I don’t like it.

“Could you please step back a little?” I ask in a whisper, but they pay me no attention.

They merely continue their work, leaving me feeling claustrophobic and overwhelmed. My breathing is scratchy and I duck my head, trying to disappear from the uncomfortable situation. Then I hear voices in the corridor. They’re too soft for me to properly hear them. More doctors, I suspect.

Then the door opens and I lift my head. I see her walk in, looking almost shy, but relieved. Relieved to see me so sick, I suppose. Katniss.

I feel my face crease with shock, disbelief and quite suddenly, intensely, anger. Pure, bitter anger, coursing through my veins. I get to my feet and push the doctors aside, moving quickly towards her. I’m trying to catch my breath, it feels like the air is choking me. I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe.

Katniss smiles at me, but her grin slips as my hands slide around her throat, squeezing hard, as she chokes out my name.


I am carted off with a bleeding nose, and a baffled expression. Back in the doctors’ room I ask the question whose answer I’m dying to know, and have been for a while.  

“Why am I the only one who hates Katniss?”

Mrs Everdeen sighs, sounding tired.

“Because she’s not how you remember her.” She says, bringing me some ice to take down the swelling on my nose.

“But they’re my memories.” I protest, flinching as I press the ice to my face.

“No, Peeta.” Mrs Everdeen tells me, sadly. “They’re not.”

I lay back on my pillow, puzzled.

“I don’t understand.” I say, my voice sounding smaller than I meant it to.

Mrs Everdeen nods, and she looks almost pitying.

“I know you don’t.” she tells me, and leaves.

Why did Boggs punch me in the face? That seems to be happening more and more just recently. Why did he go out of his way to protect Katniss? Why does anyone care what happens to her? It feels like I’m the only one who sees the real her. She’s deceitful, manipulative, not to be trusted. She has the others wrapped around her little finger. But not me. I can see. I can see her for what she truly is. She’s not a girl on fire, she’s not a mockingjay. She’s a killer.

Just then, Mrs Everdeen comes back into the room, her face soft and kind.

“Come on, Peeta.” She says gently, helping me up. “I’ll take you to your room.”

I let her lead me out the room and down the labyrinthine halls until we stop at a door. It’s metal with a small frosted glass window. Printed on the window glass are four words, bold and black. OBSERVATION ROOM. SOLITARY CONFINEMENT.

“What?” I ask, as Mrs Everdeen ushers me quickly into the room.

But it’s too late. The door has already swung shut behind me.

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