Chapter 14

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(sorry this chapter is so short, but I needed this to lead into the next chapter, which I can promise is longer!)

“Help!” I shout. “Someone help!”

I run up to the door, banging on it with the flat of my hand, as hard as I can. Suddenly it bursts open, startling me and making me jump back, and two tall men in white take my wrists gently. They’ve come to rescue me! Thank goodness! All of this was starting to scare me. There’s so much I don’t understand in this new place that this was quite unnerving.

But the men start leading me away from the door, towards the bed in the corner of the room. I knew there was something off about this room, and now I realise what it is; the bed. It has strange leather strips in the four corners, and no covers.

“Wait! What’s going on?” I say, but the men don’t respond.

As we approach the bed I start to kick in their grasp, writhing to break free. What’s happening? What’s happening to me? They lay me down on the bed and, as one holds my flailing arms, the other starts tying restraints to my limbs.

“NO!” I protest, kicking as the man tries to pin my legs down.

He catches at my ankles and holds them still whilst he ties my legs into the restraints, leaving me lying flat on my back, unable to fight back.

“NO!” I shout as they leave. “PLEASE?!”

They’re treating me like I’m mad, dangerous. I yell out, trying hard to get the attention of anyone who might hear me, who might be walking by in the corridor outside. I’m terrified, and it makes me writhe more in the restraints. My throat is hoarse from calling out.

After a while I realise that no matter how hard I fight the restraints, they won’t give. No matter how loud I shout, no matter how desperate and panicked my voice gets, nobody will come to save me.

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