Chapter 24

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Today, my group and I have to go to a simulator called the ‘Block’. One half of me knows the attack it simulates isn’t real. The other half switches instantly into survival mode and I enjoy the challenge. My adrenaline is racing, but I still know I can’t really get hurt. After weeks of being monitored and watched I can finally go into something as myself. So what if I know people are still watching me? These are soldiers, not doctors. Plus, everyone else is being watched too.  

I follow all the orders I’m given and take the challenges in my stride. Gas attacks, injuries, reactions and problems that my time in the arenas have prepared me for. My brain doesn’t remember much about that time, but clearly my body does. The loud banging of the guns used to make me jump, shake. Now I’m used to it, and I shoot them before they’ve had time to even spot me. I emerge from the simulation dripping sweat and rubbing bits of rubble and dust from my eyes.

“Another good run, Soldier Mellark.” The observer remarks.

“Thank you, Soldier.”  I reply gratefully.

“I’ll put you in for your examination tomorrow.” She says, writing down my name.

“Yes Soldier.” I say, stunned and go to dinner.

I go into the smoke-filled Block, my gun held out in front of me. There’s a resounding crack as I shatter a large apartment window with my gun. I hear shots ring out and press my back against a side street wall. When I can no longer hear firing, I emerge from my hiding place, my gun held out and my finger on the trigger. A cloud of dust blows up as a wall breaks in front of me due to an exploding pod. The pod oozes a sticky black substance, which I suspect is acidic, by the smell. I sidle around it before it can spread and block my path. I look round the corner and run as soon as it looks safe. That’s when I heard her voice.

“People of Panem,” the voice says. “We fight, we dare, we end our hunger for justice.”

It’s just a recorded voice, I tell myself. She isn’t really here.

“Fire is catching! And if we burn, you burn with us!”

Keep calm. Remember how good it feels so stay calm. You can do this.

I keep running, firing, taking cover. The steady thump of my boots on the ground is relaxing, matching the beat of my heart. I emerge from the simulator, sweating and out of breath, but still smiling. I did okay, I overcame my weakness.

I’m glad Katniss wasn’t in those Capitol streets, I realise. Not because it would have thrown my focus, but because I don’t really want her to get hurt.

I’m just about to have my hand stamped with my squad number when Alma Coin, the President of District 13, comes in. She walks over to me and my examiner.

“Put him in 451. The propos need livening up a bit.” She orders, and then turns to me. “Congratulations, Peeta. Glad to have you onboard.”

I nod in thanks and she leaves. I turn to look as my hand is stamped with three digits. 451.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2014 ⏰

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