Threats and Apologies

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"We were at Sweetwater River July 4th." He said.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Quick Authors note I relive that the body was found on a Saturday but I put it so it happened in a Monday. My apologies. Hope you enjoy.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"We heard a gunshot. The gunshot." Archie continues.
"Archie listen to us. You have to tell someone!" I said.
"Y/N if I could I would, but I can't." Archie says.
"Neither can you or Jughead. If people find out about Grundy-" He's cut short by Jughead.
"A kid is dead, Archie... and your worried about some--Some cougar." Jug raises his voice a little.
"Don't call her that, okey? She's not like that. She cares about me."
"Archie, she's lying. She's trying to protect her self! She doesn't care!"
"Y/N's  right, she's messing with you. She's messing with your mind." Jughead says.
"What the hell do you know about it Jughead? Y/N? Or about me even?" He says back. I look at Jughead.
"Nothing " He says bluntly. "But I used to know this guy once, Archie Andrews. He wasn't perfect but, he we always tried to do the right thing, at least." Jughead finished.
Jughead took my hand and we started to walk when Archie stopped us.
"Y/N/N Jug."
We looked at him.
"If you yell anyone about this..."
Jug was angry now. Archie just threatened him and the girl he cared most 'bout  even though he wouldn't admit it.
Jughead let got of your hand and stood in front if you.
"What? What are you gonna do?" Jughead asked.
They stared at each other for a moment. The door opened and Mr.Andrew walks out.
"Hey Jug, Y/N. Coming in? We got takeout from Pop's."
"They were just leaving." Archie stated.
Jug took my hand again and we walked away. I felt bad. Archie hurt Jughead. He walked me to my house.
"If you need anything. Call me." I smiled at him.
He smiled at me and nodded.
The next day at school I sat in the lounge Jughead leaning by the snack machine.
The football team laughing and joking.
"And Sheriff Keller is grilling me!" Reggie says rather loudly. "Mantle the Megnoficent. Because I'd want Blossom dead. When he was like the only good quarterback we had. Speaking of offensive tight ends, I should've s3 my the cops to you, Moose. Because here's another unsolved mystery. What exactly were you and Kevin doing at the river? Or does being with the sheriff's son give you a free pass, Keller? I mean let's think about it. If a kid at Riverdale killed Jason, it's not gonna be at jock, right? No let's be honest. Isn't it always some spooky, scrawny, pathetic Internet troll, to busy writing his manifestos to get laid? Some smug, moody, serial-killer-fanboy freak. Like Jughead." I frown and at Jughead and glare at Reggie.
Reggie started laughing. "What was it like suicide squad? When you shot Jason? You didn't so stuff to the body did you? Like after?" My jaw dropped and I sent a look to Reggie that could kill.
"It's called necrophillia,Reggie. Can you spell it?" Jughead sent a smirk my way. I smiled. Then all of of a sudden Reggie flipped. He hopped over the couch calling Jughead something I would never hear at my house. Archie walked right into Reggie.
"Shut the hell up Reggie." Archie says. Finally he does something.
"Boys." Veronica says.
"What do you care Andrews?" Reggie steps up.
"Nothing. Just leave him alone." Archie steps even higher.
"Holy crap. Did you and Donnie Darko kill hi together? Was it some sort of pervy blood-brother thing?"
Archie shoved Reggie. Reggie shoved Archie into the snack machine making it shatter. The rolled around in the floor landing punches. I tried to get in between them but Jughead grabbed me and Moose grabbed Reggie. Jughead and I walked out. We walked into into a janitors closet and I gave him a hug.
"Reggies a dick. You would never hurt someone."
We left the closet and went to our last few classes.

Later that day I found my self standing with Jughead at the pep rally. The music from the band played. I saw Kevin looking for Moose. The cheerleaders cheering and the mascot dancing. Jughead taps me on the shoulder and we see Archie talking to Ms.Grundy then walking over to us.
"Girl trouble? You?" Jughead said standing in front of me.
"Grundy and me. We're telling Weatherbee." Archie says. Jughead nods.
Archie looks at me then at Jughead.
"Or at least I am." He finishes.
I smile and I can tell Jug is too.
"And also, I didn't mean all that crap I said to you. I'm sorry. And Y/N I'm sorry for threatening you when you were just trying to help.
"It's cool." Jughead said. I smiled and nodded in agreement. They stare at each other for a moment.
"We're not gonna hug in front of this whole town. So why don't we just do that bro thing where we nod like douches and mutually supress our emotions?" He smirks.
"Yeah. But as friends, right?"
"To be discussed... over many burgers and many days." Jughead smiles.
"I want the hug." I state. I walk over to Archie and give him and hug. He hugs back.
"Your lucky I love you." I said and we laugh. "Good luck Gingertilskin." He walks off to start the game.

"To kick of this pep rally. I'd like to hand it over to our very own Mayor McCoy." Our principals voice came out through the speakers.
"Thank you, Principal Weatherbee. It is heartening to see so many of you here, even in weather like this. But a lack of hear and the school spirit has never been the Riverdale way. Tonight's pep rally isn't like any other we've had in the past. And we shouldn't pretend that is it. Which is why I would like to dedicate this evening to the memory of one of our brightest Jason Blossom. We're with him tonight. Now, please join me in welcoming to the field our very own River Vixens and their special guest stars my daughter, Josie and her Pussycats!" Mayor McCoy finished and people started clapping and the Pussycats came on stage.

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