Do I Like Her?

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Jughead's P.O.V.
Why did I join The Blue and Gold? Is it because Betty's my friend or is it because I'll see Y/N more often.
I don't know what to think. I got lucky today that I ended the conversation about dating with Betty before entering the newsroom of The Blue and Gold. God only knows what would happen if Y/N found out I like he-.
'Do I like her?' This won't end well I already see it, I'll get rejected because I'm not good enough. Why are things like this so complicated. You know what I'll just go and see the scouts. Forget about this...but I don't think I can forget about her.

                      Your P.O.V
I sit alone by my locker typing more about the current events of the school. It still surprises me that this town could get so messed up. All of a sudden a notification pops up from Instagram. I opened it and what I saw made me angry

I closed my phone then walked down the hall looking for Veronica or Betty

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I closed my phone then walked down the hall looking for Veronica or Betty. I found both of them with Kevin, gossiping about the date Veronica had the last night.

"Chuck has muscles for days, but his conversation is not the stuff of Oscar Wilde or even Diablo Cody." She says. I walk up to them not getting a word in before a pair girls walk by.

"Hey Veronica, how was the Sticky Maple you had last night?" One said.  Veronica scrunched her eyebrows. 

"The what now?" Veronica asks.

"The Sticky Maple Chuck gave you. How was it?" The other asked. Veronica scrunched her face again.

"We had a brownie sundae if that's what you hyenas mean." She said as they walked away. I rush over quickly.

"Veronica, a Sticky Maple isn't good!" I said. She looks at me and I frown, all of a sudden everyone's phone goes off.

"Oh my God," Kevin says.

"I told you it wasn't good!" I said.

"What?" Veronica takes Kevin's phone. She looks at then asks.

"What the hell is a Sticky Maple?"

"It's kinda what it sounds like. It's a Riverdale thing." Kevin says.

"No. It's just plain out slut shaming." I said, I then shake my head.

"He's gonna get whats coming to him." I look at Veronica as I speak my mind.

"And I'm neither a slut nor am I gonna be shamed by someone named --Excuse me?--Chuck Clayton. Does he really think he can get away with this? Does he not know who I am? I will cut the brakes to his souped-up phallic symbol."

"Or we can go to Principal Weatherbee." Betty chimes in.

"Yeah, and what's he going to do about it. He hasn't helped in the past what makes you think he'll help now? I'm not trying to chuck your idea, but Betty he's a golden boy, one slip his reputation goes down, but do you think he cares? You guys need to go show him who the boss is!" I say.

"No! I can expose him in The Blue and Gold! I can do that!" Betty says. I shake my head.

"Spoken like a true good girl who always follows the rules." Veronica shoves past, Kevin going face first into a locker. 

"Well, I don't follow rules. I make them. And when necessary, I break them. You wanna help me get revenge on Chuck? Awesome. But you better be willing to go full dark, no stars. What do you say in or out?" Veronica says directed to Betty. Kevin and I look at each other, we make our way to class.

After class, Kevin and I stand outside the boys change room listening to the riot Veronica and Betty are causing.

"Remind me to never piss V off." I say looking at Kevin. I see Jughead, say my farewells to Kevin before walking up to him. We walk out of the school heading to Diltons camp.

"All of you are dead." Dilton finishes. Jug and I look at him.

"At ease, Doiley. I'm writing an article for The Blue and Gold. Hoping you can help." Jughead says. Doiley turns to us crossing his arms.

"Dismissed. But stay close." He yells to his scouts.

"Cheryl and Archie say they heard a gunshot July 4th, but they don't know who fired it." I started.

"Sheriff Keller already asked me about this. Like I told him, my scouts and I we didn't hear anything weird." Doiley says. I cross my arms.

"Well did you see anything weird?" Jughead steps up. Jughead and Dilton are eyes to eye at this point.

"A white-winged crossbill, a long-eared owl...Oh. And Cheryl sitting by the river, soaking wet." He finishes. One of the scouts was listening into the conversation. We walk away from Doiley.

"Did you see that kid?" I asked. Jughead linked arms with me.

"I saw everything you saw. I think we should talk to him." He looks at me and I nod. I get a text from Betty saying to meet at the lounge in half an hour.

"I gotta bounce Betty needs me." I look at him, he frowns.

"My partner in crime is leaving me, in the dust?" He smiles.

"I'll see you later Y/N." He waves and I sprint to Riverdale high.

When I get there, some of the girls are sitting there.

"Take a seat. We're still waiting on V." Betty says.  I take a seat beside her, minutes later she walks in.

"This story is bigger then we thought. I asked around to see if what happened to you, happened to anyone else and if anyone would go on record." Betty says looking at Ethal.

"I will one hundred percent." Ethal says looking at Betty.

"Okay. Five guys on the football team, Chuck, and posse. Ethal was just about to tell us."

"One-day last year, Chuck and I talked in the library for 10 minutes. I helped him with a pre-calc problem, and nothing happened. But the next day he started telling people that I let him do stuff to me. Like sex stuff. And then he or one of his goons write "Sloppy Seconds" on my locker." She didn't get to finish because Cheryl walked in.

"Yes, yes, we've all heard your tragic origin story." She says. I hug Ethal.

"I'm so, so sorry, Ethal. That's horrible." 

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