✉ 6 ✉

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The wedding and hand fast between Link and Sidon were not true coronation methods for Zora traditions. Sidon was merely given the title and bed chamber, as well as authority of King. Yet the ceremony was not yet done for him with the hold up caused by Zelda's death. Link felt shame for the fact that he had delayed Sidon's big moment being a indirect cause of her fate, but because the coronation was not stopped Sidon had no qualms to it. In fact he was more concerned with attending Zelda's funeral to make sure the world was certainly fooled into being centered on her tragedy then worry about the prince, whom was rumored dead and would remain that way for years to come till Arthur faced his turn became King. As such was now in the aftermath of the coronation where we lay this opening to our chapter. However first some back story. At least to the ceremony tradition.

For starters, if any Zora wedding has interruptions the whole ceremony has to start again. Because Link rushed to the birth of his son they redid the whole ceremony. Instead of a reception they combined a feast with the coronation of King Sidon.

Sidon was handed Mipha's trident in one hand and the ceremonial trident in the other. His golden headdress replacing his silver feather, and a hand stitched purple cape with the zora sapphire logo dawned its back like a count or a member of Hylian gentry. Zora women dressed scantily clad in short silk skirts and head dress danced to traditional tunes as Sidon merely had more focus to the buffet that he chose of its catering. As of now, Sidon's legs were weak and he relied on leg braces formed by the Sheika as he shamefully hid under boots of silver and iron. While it required adjustment he traveled finely so and would consume the mutton and turkey as well as gourmet meats. Link had also partaken in such, and Arthur was given small chunks of lamb to dine on. While most people had believed him as the bastard child of Link and a dead bar maid, he was free to be seen publicly despite some partial speculation of Arthur coming from Zelda's 'royal womb' that he had not earned the right from a knight. Yet still Link danced with the women alongside Sidon, some in revealing ball gowns and other in showy silks like Mipha once wore.

Sidon had gotten partial jealousy. Although he had a fan club and no right to complain. He still yet had disdain for his husband being involved with these women. So during mid conversation as Link had been handing Arthur to be admired by a young Zora lass Sidon pulled Link away by his hand. "Pardon me fair maiden, could you mind bearing a watchful eye of Arthur whilst I take Link to the side for a dance?" Sidon asked. The woman, not wanting to say nay to a king nodded humbly and danced with the baby to keep the boy giggling and happy. "What a kind pearl she is," Sidon mumbled to Link as he locked an arm with his own. Link smiled and nodded. "I see the band is lead by the married couple of the singer and guitarist,"

"The Indio-Go's have had the tradition ironically as old as the tale of the hero of time, Master Link." Sidon informed as he took Link center stage and the two pressed palms at the start of the tune. "The first being Evan and Lulu I believe, ever since then for hundreds of years this band has had a married couple in charge, one of their descendants being of Evan and Lulu," added Sidon. "I recall the myths Sidon, the ones where all but one of their youth made to full adult hood and grew to bare her own children with the same fate as many Zora do," Link said. "You Hylians face the same fate often do you not?" Teased Sidon. Link scoffed. "We bare like what? Five children in our lifetimes? What does one expect for there to be? Some sort of small digestible capsule to take and prevent conception and also prevent a menstrual cycle? Poppy cock!" Laughed the consort as he twirled and spun and bowed to his highness. Whom by the way, laughed at the joke despite not getting it. Thus the dance ended and Arthur was returned to Link.

Arthur could now sit in Link's arms. Link was dressed in garbs of his Gerudo woman outfit and removed the turban that was behind his veil. Instead allowing his blonde hair to flow down over his shoulders as it grew longer and uncut despite the well maintaining otherwise. Link felt especially feminine tonight knowing the additional little ceremony he planned for him and Sidon. With that the boy mingled and entered the bed chambers later that night. The room was silk covered and red with velvet ropes dangling by the curtain side. The bed was a canopy bed, naturally. The wooden border was obsidian and the cover over the top a see through purple, the sheets themselves were red silk and the pillows gold with frills.

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