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       Just one more day. That's all it was he asked for. One day to make sure that everything was 'on the up and up' he'd said. It was utter bullshit. But that got past Yunobo who wanted to keep his trusted friend closeby.

Dear Impa,

I have reason to believe my son may be in danger. I spoke with a now executed Zora who was interrogated. We had limited time to speak but he had revealed to me that he spilled everything. I don't know if that includes Arthur's whereabouts. So please hide him if you can. I know two people in Hateno village who can watch him. Bolson and Karson shall be suitable. Just for the time being.

Thank you,

Dear Link,

How awful it was. For this to be the way it is. The circumstances make this seem fit to take your child to Hateno village so I as well as Paya made sure to deliver him. The men seem capable. Keep me posted in the future.


       Link folded the paper again. Putting it in his bag this time. He stood up and peered out his window. Tonight he was to use the master sword for this deed. Why? Because it seemed fit. Fit to purge the evil corruption overtaking the people he cared for.
Link took to his window, and then hobbled out. Once more climbing and jumping. Flying, gliding, and landing behind the home of Yunobo. Who was sleeping finally after his treacherous night of sobbing over his actions.
Too late now.

"Spying again?" Link asked his husband who sat besides him on the rock. "I suppose it can't hurt. Just to see if I'm going to eat my words..." Link said. "Do you really think he won't want to kill again?" Sidon asked. "He may not have ever wanted to..." Link said. To which Sidon shrugged with the blank expression. "I hope I eat my words in your stead ," Sidon admitted. "I know you love your friends and care for them deeply. I can't imagine doing this would be easy," He added.

"Whatever it takes to better everyone. I'll do it."

Whatever it takes... Link thought. Mayhap I did eat my words in the end if I can't go through with this.
His footsteps were silent but heavy. His sword being all he had on him. Now he was off to kill his friend.
Link shook his head. No. He's a tyrant abusing his power in the way of me living how I want to. To raise my son in peace! To just end this stupid war already before it begins! To end this. All of it.

For my young.
For my king.
His life.

       Link entered through the back and stood behind Yunobo's rock cot. He wiggled his fingers delicately on the handle. He tightened his grip and took aim. He raised his arms above hid head. Link would have to lean into this chop. His heart was in his ears, and he couldn't find breath. Almost dropping his sword.
What the hell could be wrong with me?!
Link fell backwards on the wall and put his sword down so he could pant. What was this? Was this rage? His knees knocked together as he slumped over. The blade sank into the floor. Despite the heat Link shivered. Hair stood on high end. Breathing hitched. Stomach churned. Eyes blurred. Vomit splashing onto the floor as Link retched. Waking Yunobo up to see this sight.
Link recognised what it had been. Not rage. For once the triforce bearer of courage was afraid in a new way.
When he saw Yunobo fled and called to his gaurds, Link knew that betrayal in his voice. Link knew he had just fucked up.

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