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       Link woke to the sound of his name being softly whispered. He peeked and saw his beloved Zora prince by his side. Which he mentally slapped himself for thinking that; as this was his king now. Or just a king. He knew Sidon didn't have to tell him what to do. It was just easier for Link.

       "I got Arthur, are you ready to go?" Sidon asked as his excited features expressed in the soft glow of the fire. Link furrowed his brow before his smile lit up again. He remembered exactly what they were doing tonight. He sat up eagerly.

       The two snuck onto horses. Sidon sat atop of Minima and Link atop a white horse with golden mane, a gift from Zelda's will. Prudens was her name. Link and Sidon enjoyed the views, however decided to race to the village. Where Link let Sidon win out of kindness. As Minima stopped where he chose to Link carefully got off, holding a now awake and giggling Prince of Hyrule in his arms. The baby now disguised in clothes of a more peasant looking outfit Link stitched from a old shirt and pants he found in the temple of resurrection. The baby was pleased to see the lights distantly glowing from the small village. Along the paths were booths and shops, the woman who used to run the main archery store was selling cuckoos eggs. The husband happily sitting by her side keeping a far eye of his two playing daughters. Link bought bomb arrows for later, and made small talk with the woman behind the counter. "Did you two get back together?" Link asked.

       "He started shooting arrows again, I started feeding the cuckoos again. We compromised simply put." Confessed the woman whose name for the life of Link he could not remember. "That's amazing news! I'm glad to see it all worked out," he added. Koko ran up to his leg and asked if he had any butter for her and her sister to cook with. Graciously he made the purchase and handed a stick of goat's butter to the eager girl. She happily ran off.

       Speaking of running off. Curious Sidon was gone. Link found himself all alone save for the baby in his arms. So he took to wandering through the village. Only to nearly crash into Paya without looking. Immediately she laughed off the situation. "Oh my! Master Link you've frightened me!" she said. Her voice sounding like that of silvery bells. Usually it was in a soft and shaken up whisper like that of a scared child. However now she had different make up and a happier essence about her. The one that made Link use to blush and flirt with awkwardly. Ultimately leading up to nothing between them. A shame, but nothing to be in too much sadness over.

       "Paya? I couldn't recognize you without your hands over your face." Link teased, making Paya blush and feel tempted to do just that. "Not these days. Since you've last seen me I'd taken a liking to archery and sword fighting. It's been easier on me and helped my self esteem quite well these days." She detailed. "Oh look at me in my rambling! I don't even think you've yet asked me about my story." Paya added teasing Link. The baby who had no idea what was happening simply flailed his arms. "Ah I was just about to ask about him! He must be wise as the Queen was in life." She said as she met face to face with the small toddler. "Rumor has it he's yours." Paya commented, albeit not rudely. So Link of course nodded and tried to make it sound simply as though the mother were a bar maid he met in a pub built into a stable. He tried to stay by her side but was caught up in buisness with the Zora, where he was married to Sidon and Link returned to the pub years later to find that she was dead.

       "That is tragedy had I not heard a tragedy before," Paya said solemnly. "If you request any aid I and Grandmother Impa would happily assist anyway we can." she offered. Link smiled. "Hopefully we wont need any. Not that I don't enjoy the company of the Sheikah. I just fear that we may be near a war between Zora and Goron. I know not all details, and don't want anything going around either. But I do hope nothing goes awry." Link admitted.

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