chapter 24: good or bad?

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keaton's pov

"Bro, you need to chill. You don't know that she's been kidnapped by this killer guy."

"Then where the hell is she, Wes?" I practically yelled at him, which wasn't like me. I was getting frustrated. I wanted to go searching for her and Wes wouldn't take me. I couldn't drive yet and I needed a car. He wasn't convinced that Noelle was even kidnapped after I explained everything to him, but she had been gone for over three days and I was getting more worried by the second. 

"Maybe she just went back to where she's from? Did you think of that?"

"Then why wouldn't she tell me? She's hasn't answered anyone's calls!"

Wes sighed. "Do you even know where to look? Why can't you just report this to the cops?"

I buried my face in my hands as I sat at the kitchen table. "I don't want to involve the cops. I'm not sure why, but I just think we can find her, Wes." 

"What does Skylar think? Have you talked to her?"

"Yeah. She's gonna help. We need a car to go look for her."

Wes blinked hard at me. "Again, Keats. Do you even know where to look for her?"

I sighed, banging my head on the table. "I have absolutely no idea. She could be anywhere. She might not even be in California."

"Then I guess we better start brainstorming places to look," my brother said, placing his hand on my back. 

noelle's pov

Three days. That's how long I've been stuck in this stuffy room with Jake bringing me a glass of water every so often and Ian bringing me a plate of food only at dinner time. I thought that if Jake was really trying to help me get out of this hell hole, he would have done something by now. So far, he hasn't said another word to me about getting out of here. Really, he hasn't said much of anything to me at all and if I were to be honest, he seemed to actually enjoy it here. 

I was starting to go a bit mad, sitting in here with nothing to do all day. As I sat with my back pressed up against the wall and my legs hugged to my chest, I started to think up ways to escape. My hair was starting to stick to my neck again with sweat and I pulled it away, holding it up on top of my head. I wished for a window in the room, but I guess that's why I was locked in this particular one in the first place. I wondered what Ian did with my phone after he grabbed me off the street. It must be in this cabin somewhere or Jake must have his phone at least. I needed to make him stay the next time he comes in. 

My eyes started to droop and soon I was almost asleep, but my stomach grumbling from hunger caused me to jolt awake. I tried to gather some saliva in my mouth to quench my parched throat, but my mouth was completely dry. I stretched out my legs out in front of me and shook my arms at my sides as the door opened. 

"Here with your water," Jake said as he quietly shut the door behind him. 

I held out my hands greedily, not caring how I looked. I hadn't bathed since I got here and I knew I looked and smelled disgusting. I gulped it down without saying a "thank you." Once I finished, I handed the cup back to him and I noticed him starting to leave. "Wait," I told him.

"Yeah, Noelle?" he asked, stopping in the doorway. 

I wished I had more time to think this through and my mind was clear. This heat and hunger was really messing with my mind. "I, uh wanted to ask you something."

Jake slowly closed the door again and came over, sitting down in the chair beside the bed. "Are you ok? You're not gonna have one of those memory things again are you?"

I laughed. "No, Jake. It's not like that. I was just wondering about what you told me the other day and how you didn't know what your uncle was up to. Are you going to try and get us out of here or what?" 

Jake narrowed his eyes at me. "I'm sorry, Noelle. I really am, but I made a promise to him. He's family, you know? And after being here for awhile I've been thinking. It's kinda some good payback you know?"

"Payback?" I questioned. "Payback for what? I've never done a single thing to you in my life."

"You haven't, but Skylar did and what's better payback for her than hurting you? You're all she has left."

I sucked in a breath as tears pricked my eyes. I couldn't believe the words coming out of Jake's mouth. Footsteps coming down the hall caused me to wipe away the tears and Jake to stand. 

"Boy, what are you doing in here?" Ian asked, shuffling into the room. 

"Just brought water," he replied, holding up the empty glass.

"Well get. I told you not to be in here for longer than you needed to be." Ian pushed Jake out and slammed the door behind him. As Ian walked closer to me, the stench of cigarettes became clearer and I resisted the urge to plug my nose. He was still wearing his huge red checkered jacket and I honestly didn't understand how he could stand the heat. "How are you today, Miss Noelle?" he asked, sitting down in the chair.

I squeezed my eyes shut, just wanting him to leave. I pretended that I was in my air conditioned room with Keaton's arms around me. This started to make me feel better, but I realized I was in no way closer to being out of this cabin and Ian could kill me at time just as he did my parents. 

oh my god, it's been forever since i've updated. i feel so bad but i've been so busy with school. hope you like this update though. please vote/comment xx zoe 

p.s. idk when the next update will be because of finals

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