chapter 29: not now

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noelle's pov

I wasn't prepared for the scene before me, but once I saw Keaton I ran faster than I've ever ran. We collided with each other like a scene from a movie and I buried my face into his chest, taking in his familiar scent. It was heavenly compared to the stingy scent of the cabin I'd been in for the past weeks. 

"How did this all happen?" I gasped, separating from him only by an arm's length. 

"Well, we figured out that your aunt put a tracking device in your phone and followed it here, but you weren't in the cabin when we got here. Then your aunt showed up with the police and arrested Ian," he explained, pointing to him in the police car. 

I bit my lip, trying to decide what I should tell them about Jake as Skylar and Drew approached us. Skye pulled me out of Keaton's hold and into a hug. "I missed you so much, girl! I'm so glad we found you," she squeezed me hard. I looked over her shoulder and noticed Jake strolling up to the cabin. 

"Look, Skye. There's something you need to know..." I trailed off.

"What the hell is he doing here?!" Drew asked enraged, taking a step toward Jake. I was sure he was ready to punch him in the face right there. 

Skylar stepped back from me, turning around and her face turned practically white. "Jake."

"Hey, Skylar," he said, looking at her for a moment and then down at the browning grass. We all stared at each other after that, not sure what to say, the awkwardness filling the air.  

"Someone answer my damn question!" Drew's voice ripped through the silence. 

I flinched at the loudness of his voice and Keaton wrapped his arms around me in comfort. "It's alright, Elle. You're safe," he whispered into my ear. "I think we should just wait for explanations until later. Noelle has been through a lot. Ok?" 

With his arm around my waist, he led me to Wes' car and helped me into the backseat. I was thankful for the escape from that situation. I didn't know what to say or how to explain. Jake had helped me, but he had also got me into this situation somewhat. I didn't know what to think and all I really wanted was to be in Keaton's arms. 

skylar's pov

Keaton led Noelle off to the car, but Jake still stood before Drew and me and I was still in shock. What was he doing here? I was completely and utterly confused by everything. I was sure he had gone back to Rhode Island, yet here he was, at this cabin in the middle of nowhere, where my best friend had been taken to and almost murdered at. 

"Well?" Drew demanded, his arms crossed over his chest causing his tank top to ride up a bit. 

I closed the distance between my boyfriend and I, stepping up behind him. I placed a hand on his shoulder, heat radiating off of him. "C'mon, Drew. Let's go like Keaton said. Noelle can explain everything later," I urged. I wanted to know everything now like him, but my best friend had been through so much and she needed to get home. It was a four hour drive. 

Jake stared at us, making no moves to say anything. I looked at him, really looked at him, and realized something I hadn't before. I never loved him. I only thought that I had. Now being with Drew, I knew real love and how I was supposed to be treated. A part of me wanted to know why Jake was here, but another wanted to leave all of this behind and move on. Move past Jake and never think of him again. I was happy with Drew now and I hoped that I was going to be for a long time, if not forever. 

"Alright, Skye," he said, finally ending his staring contest with Jake and laced his fingers with mine. I liked how our hands fit, like they were puzzle pieces made to be put together. We made our way to the car and found Noelle sleeping with her head resting on Keaton's shoulder. Keaton pressed a finger to his lips, gesturing for us to be quiet so we didn't wake her up. I nodded to him and quietly situated myself in my seat for the long drive ahead of us. 


There was a police car parked outside of our house when we got there and I wondered why since Ian had been arrested and Noelle was safe now. Drew pulled into our driveway and turned off the ignition, Noelle stirring awake in the backseat.

"We're back, Elle," Keaton was whispering to her and helping her sit up. 

I got out of the car and made my way over to the cop car. I tapped on the window and he opened it. "Can I help you?" I asked.

"Just here for protection," he answered shortly.

"Thanks, but I'm sure we're fine. This really isn't necessary." 

"You'll have to take that up with Officer Harrington," he told me and rolled up his window so I couldn't argue with him anymore.

I turned on my heel and made my way back to the house. Everyone was already inside, but I stopped on the driveway and dialed Noelle's aunt. 

"Hello?" she answered on the fourth ring.

"Hi, Kathryn. This is Skylar."

"Why hello dear. You made it home safely, I heard. My officer just informed me."

"About that, Ms. Harrington, I know you're only wanting to keep Noelle safe but I think the officer outside is a bit much. You already arrested Ian and both Keaton and I are here. She's fine now."

"That's nonsense, Skylar. I'll be by to assess the situation in the morning after we get everything else settled. I'm also not so sure that I want Noelle staying in California any longer. It might have been a fine idea to begin with, but I want her to come back to Rhode Island with me." My jaw dropped at her aunt's words. There was no way that Noelle would want to go back to Rhode Island. She loved it here and so did I. We had a life here now and there was nothing back there for us. "I'll see you in the morning, dear," Kathryn finished before hanging up, not allowing me to say a single word. 

I slid my phone into the pocket of my shorts, trying to compose myself. I couldn't let on that I knew something Noelle didn't. I had to put on a front that everything was perfect for her. She needed to feel safe and loved right now more than anything. I couldn't break her heart, not now. 

hi, i hope everyone had a lovely weekend. do you like reading in skylar's pov? and how do you think noelle will react when her aunt shows up? please vote/comment xx zoe

p.s. i put a picture on the side of a fan hugging keaton and it's kinda how i see them hugging when they're reunited (ugh i just want to hug keaton now)

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