Swasan room
Sanskar was sitting in couch watching swara who is sleeping due to medicine effect but still there is frown in her face. Sanskar signed, got up and laid down near swara and took her in his embrace.. As soon as he took her to his embrace her frown gayab and slept peacefully.Sanskar's pov
What I did with her? How can you do this sanskar? I was not like this? I become so blind in my stupid revenge that nearly destroyed swara's life 😞😞. Why? What was her fault? Why I brought her in my game? She was a pure soul and what I did? I played with her feelings... I still remember when I first time saw her (slightly smiling) my scared kitten when that boys were bullying her. I don't know why after seeing her crying face my blood boiled... Then in Mall, oh god Ragini has to threaten her to buy something for her. She is so different, my shona is not like other girls who ran behind fame and money. Yes my shona for whom love and family is everything, whom I love lot.. Yes I love you shona.. Till now I don't wanted to accept it. Don't think ki it's due to her inability to walk, it's because I m not good for her. I m a beast and she is Angel my angel. And now I know that i can't leave without her. So there is no way to let her go from my life never... Not in this birth atleast. So let me tell you all my love story oops not mine my swara's love story.Flash back start
Raglak marriage is a destination wedding in Goa. They had booked a resort for them. Even swara's parents were there.All were having dinner chitchatting, Kaveri and Rajesh are pretending to love their daughter due to Ragini 😉😉 because she had warned them not to hurt her shona or consequence will not good for them 😉😉. Swara was sitting middle of her parents raglak were sitting beside each other and sanskar was sitting opposite to swara. After finishing dinner all elders departed to their room to sleep as they were tired of arrangements and swasan, raglak and their few friends sat in garden to do some Masti.
Aliza: guys let's play truth or dare please
Rag: ha it will be fun
San: you guys play I m going to sleep (turned to leave)
Laksh: arey bhai please join us na.. How can you leave me like this? (made a puppy face)
San: (signed) fine stop making that face lucky, you look like a monkey. (Laksh pout other laugh) but you will regret little bro (now Laksh gulped in in fear)
Rag turned the bottle which stopped facing Laksh
San: I will ask (said with smirk) so lucky truth or dare?
Laksh(in mind): lucky you are dead now (to San) dare bhai..
San: then jump like a monkey 😏😏
Laksh was like 😟😟😱😱😥😥 and started jumping like monkey around Ragini and other laughed loudly holding their stomach while swara felt bad for him 😞😞, sanskar noticed it.
And bottle turned and stopped at swara.
Kavita: let me ask Mmm so swara truth or dare?
Swara: truth
Kavita: so tell me till now how many boys you trapped? I mean do you love anyone?
Swara and all got shock hearing her. Kavita continued: oh don't look at me like that guys its just a game.. (Kavita saw sanskar watching swara all time)
Swara: I m not that type of girl. I only want to read and achieve something (her eyes got wet, she was trying to not to cry before them) I.... I (interrupted)
Kavita: oh ya, who will love you I mean who will get ready to destroy his life marrying a disable girl 😏😏.
This was it for Ragini, she got up went near Kavita and throw juice on her face.

Fanfictionswasan revenge love story. 23/1/2018 2nd rank on short story