Swara and Suraj HiFi "we won" all laughed at them but sanskar was admiring his love.
"I'm proud of you LOVE" Sanskar looked at her with proud smile.
"Awwe I never thought my innocent overload bestie will plan something like this" ragini hugged swara while she pouted cutely.
"I'm hungry Chalo let's order food" laksh shouted excited.
All together "bhukkad"
Laksh and Ragini's parents admired thier bond and prayed silently for bright future.
"Sanskar I'm hungry" she pouted cutely lying above sanskar playing with his fingers. Sanskar looked at his phone which is showing 12 clock.
"What my LOVE want to eat?"
"I don't know" sanskar sighed this is what happening from the day she sent her so called family to jail. He knows something is bothering her but she is not opening up with him leaving him in concern.
"What about pasta?" She nodded no mmm your favorite fried rice? Still no from her, he smiled and went leaving her in confused.
Half hour later he came with plate which is covered with lid, swara smelled aroma and started to eat aloo paratha sanskar's favorite relishing.
"See he/she is papa's team already" he teased but his princess ignored him royally continued to feed her stomach.
2 months later
Swasan came to NGO to distribute cloths and groceries. They every Sunday go to different NGO and spend some time with elders.
Swara is playing chess with aged man with full concentration "uff this game is so difficult" she made cry fence looking at sanskar who shook his head. This is not new to him whenever she come here play chess and make puppy face at loosing time so he can help her.
"Yuppie see uncle I won" she giggled cutely making sanskar admire her antics. In pregnancy pace he saw a complete different swara who is so childish, who throws tantrum in eating, drinking milk and always fight with laksh to get Ragini's quality time.. most importantly his attention now a days she's jealous of his office work so he had to take loooonggg leave but thanks to Suraj and laksh who is taking care of his office.
But one person is burning in hatred. Sujata Maheshwari who once rules and lived like queen now living like beggar due to her KARMA landed in NGO as she don't have any where to go, But still didn't realized her fault but blaming swara who is playing, giggling forgetting the world.
"LOVE I will come meeting with owner ok" sanskar kissed her forehead and left but swara got bored waiting for him so turned went little distance started to admire the surrounding.
Now Swara is near cliff little away from NGO Sujata smirked "now you will die swara because of you my children hates me" she walked towards swara who's back was showing.
"Swara where are you?" Swara heard Suraj voice who came finding her, she turned left and went near Suraj.
Here Sujata who was about to push swara (same time swara turned) couldn't balance herself and fell from cliff. Swara turned but didn't see anyone.
"Uff what are you doing here? Your husband is taking all NGO above his head come" Suraj said pushing her wheelchair.
"I heard some sounds Bhai from valley" swara said looking at cliff.
"Children's are playing maybe you heard their sound don't think much" both went to sanskar who hugged her after little scolding.
Sujata lying in pool of blood looked her children happy with their partners. All sins she committed flashed in front of her eyes like a movie "I'm sorry my children... Be happy always" she closed her eyes forever. No one knew someone fell from cliff and died she was that unlucky mother whose both kids were in front of her but couldn't call them or ask forgiveness, few days later some trackers found dead body and buried her.
After one year
We can see a Man is changing dipper of 6 month baby boy who is showing tantrums by moving his hands and legs making it difficult for MAN to in his work.
Man: offo AYUSH please baby don't move.. Few minutes Hogaya...(after wearing him dipper) done. Now time for cloths.. Where is your clothes (took Micky mouse printed top and made him wear) Awwe my baby is looking so cute (made him near Micky mouse cap) my baby is ready.
"Sanskar ji now you get ready till then I will take care of AYUSH" Ragini said entering inside room making AYUSH squeal with happiness seeing his favorite Maasi.
Ragini took him in her arms safely: Awwe my baby is looking so cute I just want to gobble you (she kissed his cheek lightly making him giggle)
Sanskar narrowed his eyes: look at that girl your lipstick mark came to my baby's cheek (he wiped it off with tissue paper)
Rag fumed in anger "my baby my wish, i will kiss him or gobble him or play with him who are you to ask?"
Sanskar give her a tight smile: "his Father... He is my baby not yours Huh leave him I can take care of him by myself" he try to take baby back
Ragini made O shape seeing his attempt "cutie pie is my shona's baby so I have full right on him" she tighten her grip on AYUSH making sanskar fume now
Two pair of eyes are seeing everything. One is giving they won't change look while other one is where am I stuck look".
Swalak who entered into Swasan's room shook their head seeing them again fighting over AYUSH.
Ayush Sanskar Maheshwari 6 and half month old, bundle of joy with mischievousness. Love his parents but close to his dada little more. But he is mummy's boy weird right but that's our AYUSH...
AYUSH showed his hand to his Mumma indicating to take him, Laksh took him giving him tight kiss on his cheek and made him sit in swara's lap. Ayush as soon as felt his mother cling to her like his life depended on her.
"Awwe who irritated my baby Huh? Dada and Maasi? Mumma came na now i will scold them OK" swara caressed his hair lovingly
Ayush clutched her with his small hands showing his approval while Ragsan made faces.
He/she started both ragsan pointed each other glaring.
"shut up you both... Bhai Ragini grow up uff you both are behaving as if child but we don't want extra grown up children as we already have two kids in our house" laksh scolded them
"Sanskar you still not ready? We need to go Uttara's house for naming ceremony.. And Ragu what are you doing here? I told you I will pick Ayush didn't I?" she raised her eyebrow
Ragini smiled sheepishly hearing Swara then showed her full teeth: I just... Thought to help jiju see he was busy in making Prince ready but he is so stubborn and started to fight.
Sanskar made o shape hearing her while Swalak gave them OH REALLY look.
"Let's go or Uttara will eat our head" Laksh said lifting his baby girl.
"But before that selfie" Ragini shouted.
I DON'T KNOW HOW it is but febifebz this epilogue is for you...
Thank you for supporting LOVE HATE REVENGE....

Fanfictionswasan revenge love story. 23/1/2018 2nd rank on short story