Suraj came running to park after tracing Uttara's phone and got shocked seeing whole park decorated with their photos of collage time, their precious moments which always sooth his pain and give peace to his heart.Uttara: Suraj....
Suraj turned and got out stuck seeing Angel in front of him, Uttara is standing wearing red color backless beautiful gown but soon come to sense: what's this Uttara? Don't tell me you tricked me.
Uttara started to walk towards him ignoring his rant : do you remember suraj how much we used to enjoy. Every Saturday you used to take me to beach where we did to lot of fun (seeing photo where suraj was twirling her around), our Pani puri competition where you always purposeful loose for me (suraj saw a photo where both are eating Pani puri), and this photo where you are feeding me cake how happy we were suraj (she is crying by now) what happened to us? This distance?
Suraj: you only created this distance by going away from me Uttara.
Uttara: I know but can't you forgive me for my mistake? Please suraj 😩😩😩
Suraj: give me some time Uttu I m tying but my heart need assurance that you will not leave me again...I m hurt. I will come back to you once I clear my head (saying he left from there)
Uttara is crying in room badly hugging her pillow when she felt a hand caressing her head, she saw that person and hugged him tightly continued crying : bhai... He.... He... Said he is hurt bhai his eyes held so much pain just because I took impulsive decision today he is suffering bhai... I.... Want to heal him... I...
Sanskar after wiping her tears said softly: you know when your bhabhi left me, I was shattered may be her reason was valid for her but it left deep scar on me, I didnt tell but still I fear that may be one day she will leave me alone in this world for some reason.
Uttara see his brother vulnerable for the first time in her life, he always stood strong while he continued: she came back but fear didn't left me. She is with me now still fear is not leaving me. Suraj stayed in your memories for years Uttu I can't even imagine my life without your bhabhi but he survived just once think from his point of view and yes don't loose hope, suraj loves you he will come back just keep trying to mend his heart OK (Uttara nodded, sanskar kissed her forehead and left saying good night)
Sanskar entered into Room and got panic seeing swara crying, he ran towards her and cupped her face : LOVE what why are you crying? Did anyone said anything? (swara nodded No) then? (swara kept her cry session) shona you are scaring me
Swara (between her cry): after baby you will not love me na
Sanskar: what who told you this?
Swa: wo... Aryan left Arohi saying she become fat in pregnancy.
San: who is Aryan?
Swa: Arohi's husband
San: who is Arohi?
Swa: Aryan's wife. (said innocently while sniffing)
Sanskar was now cursing unknown Aryan due to which his wife is crying by now he killed Aryan 100 times in his curse.
Swara didn't getting any response from him thought he will really leave her so started crying loudly with full volume making whole house awake. Raglak and Utara came running to swasan room.
Rag: shona why are you crying what happened (Ragini is now 7 and half month pregnant)
Swara said same Aryan and Arohi story.

Fanfictionswasan revenge love story. 23/1/2018 2nd rank on short story