Maheshwari mansion
Sanskar carefully made her sit in sofa beside Ragini who is eating fruits, she smiled at swara and feed her orange
Rag: shona today you are looking so happy don't you say me the reason?
San: soon you both have to handle me too Chachi and Chuchu
Raglak saw him like he is alien and saw swara who is blushing both squished in happy and Ragini hugged swara while sanlak hugged each other
Lak: I m so happy for u bhai... Finally you got your happiness
Rag: (teary eyed) my baby sister is going to have baby (kissed her forehead) congrats my bestie cum sister (to San) thank you Sanskar for coming in swara's life for making it beautiful
San: it's her who made it beautiful she is BEAUTY of this BEAST
Swara hugged Ragini feeling shy while others chuckled seeing her antics
Lak: (dramatically) welcome to my gang bro now the real challenge begin (sanskar give 'what are you saying 'look) arey bhai now soon swara's mood swings will make you run in whole city as I m running from last few months
And started to laugh but his laugh turned into horror seeing Ragini's 'will you see in room' look making swara laugh and sanskar smile...
Swasan Room
Swara was sleeping like baby on bed hugging pillow, sanskar was gazing her but his face was expressionless as he is thinking something deeply
San( in mind) : LOVE is pregnant... She is having a life in her stomach our SYMBOL of love, OUR BLOOD when Yuvraj told mummy and daddy I was shocked only one thing came to my mind HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? but after seeing happiness in Her eyes my doubt went in air... I felt like I m flying in air oh god my baby soon i will hold my baby (tears made its way from his eyes) thank you jaan thank you for everything (kissed her forehead) but still one question arise if you are pregnant then what about that reports? Something is fishy someone is playing with us but who? Is it Sujata Maheshwari? (saw swara with fear) No I hope she won't be... My jaan trust her so much she will be shattered no (unknown fear made its way) I have to go to root of this
Swara opened her eyes slowly but frown seeing sanskar who is in deep thought she smiled as naughty thoughts came into her mind, she hold her hair and started to rub it on his face, ear... Sanskar came to sense feeling ticklish on his face
San: LOVE what you doing? Stop it
Swa: no (still doing) your sweet cute wife is here beside you but see you are thinking something else so you need a punishment
San: jaan (hold her wrist) you messed with SM now save yourself (he started to tickling her whole room echoed with their laughter)
Swara wanted to give pregnancy news to Sujata Maheshwari but from servant she got to know she went out of town for some days so she did not able to give news to her and even she is worried for Suraj he is not picking her calls not coming to collage like he vanished from her life which is making her sad, sanskar is trying to make her normal and stress free... Now she is busy in studies as soon her exams are going to start.
Sanskar is working in his office when door got open and someone came inside without knocking, he become angry but soon after seeing the person his anger turned into shock and happiness
Person: we need to go home now.... Bhabhi's life is in danger
San 😨😨😨😨
Few days later
No one was at home as Sujata gave leave to all servants as it was GANESH festival. Sanskar went with Laksh for important meeting and Ragini went to her home to meet her parents
Swara was preparing Veg biryani for sanskar when SUJATA came inside kitchen
Swara: yes mom do you want anything?
Suj: yes your life
Swara startled hearing her: Mom I don't get you
Suj: you are so innocent my dear daughter in law (laughs evilly) it was so easy to fool you and get your trust.... (fake tears) beta i realised my mistakes please forgive me give me a chance (again laugh loudly) and you like a fool got in my words 😈😈. But now i can't act more your god is waiting for you , they will do this work (showing three men)
Fresh tears started to flow in her eyes feeling betrayal from her words
Swara:(crying and scared) I trusted you.. How can you do this to me? Please leave me (joining hands) please don't kill me I m pregnant please think about my unborn child... He is your grand child
Suj: (shouts) don't you dare to say that child as my grandchildren NO ... I never accepted you as my Bahu then how can your that child will be heir of Maheshwari empire... Kya kuch nai kia tuje mere bete se dur karne k lie...
I gave money to doctor to prepare fake report stating you can't be mother so that Sanskar himself throw you out of his life but he (huffed in anger) he hide it from you and stated to shower his love more then I did fake drama knowing you are in temple so that you leave him and you left but don't know why you came back (shouts) WHY YOU CAME BACK (hold her shoulder digging her nails in swara's skin) my all plan failed and my blood boil when I see you happy face... (to goons) finish her but before that trash her confidence I want to hear her painful screamsSwara was all numb: (whispered) I m sorry Sanskar for not trusting you
After knowing Sujata tried to kill suraj sanskar wanted to confront her but swara blocked his way
Swa: sanskar please i know mom did wrong but now she is changed I know what am I doing is not right but I don't want to see her in guilt again please forgive her
San(angrily): are you gone mad SWARA do you even know what are you saying? You still trust her now I m sure she is acting to gain our trust she will never chan
Swa: No she is not acting she really changed sanskar, she care for us I can feel her love please i beg you don't do anything wrong in your anger and never say she is acting No I TRUST HER
San: do whatever you want but don't expect me to behave normally with her now NEVER what she did with Suraj and Uttara I will never forget it due to her I lost my sister...
Saying he went from there closing door with bang
flashbacks ends
Swa: you were right sanskar... She never changed it was me who was fool and believed her... I love you Sanku (crying bitterly) may be this is my fate
The goons are seeing her with cruelty filled eyes sending shivers down to her body, she was begging and moving backwards only to get hit by wall Making goons laugh evilly.
One goon took a iron rod and left his hand to hit her
A loud painful scream echoed in whole mansion
Precap: don't know
Finally Sujata showed her true face...
So one mystery solved
What will you tell about swara?
Will sanskar able to save his love
Will she die with their child?
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Fanfictionswasan revenge love story. 23/1/2018 2nd rank on short story