Suraj rubbing her shoulder to sooth her pain: Uttu it's OK if you don't want to share you are with me its enough for me...
Uttara: No Suraj let me pour my heart to you... Don't stop me today due to that lady I lost my everything.
Suraj: OK as you wish. Where were you all this time?
Uttara: I was in Banglore.... My one school friend lives there, she helped me to get job in NGO. There I used to get peace while helping people. You know suraj there I saw a different world. Kids who were abandoned by their parents get love from old people who were abandoned by their kids. Elders got their grandchildren and kids got grand parents love... They don't have anything still they live happily, never ending smile and fighting spirit that made me realise how foolish I was... What I suffered nothing in from of them.. I had my family back but I choose to run away i wanted to come back suraj but I was too ashamed of myself. Suraj I saw how bhai broke down after finishing my last rights, how much he felt alone after dad death but I.... (she cried bitterly)
Suraj rubbed her shoulder in soothing manner: shhh.... It's not your fault Uttu it was our fate..... But see today we all are together and happy right.... (Utara nodded yes still sobbing) when did you come back Uttu...?
Uttara came out of his embrace and sat straight and continued: I have to come back due to NGO work in collage where I got huge shock (staring suraj) I saw you suraj I was so happy and shocked too but my heart broke again seeing a girl proposing you (I hope you guys remember twinkle proposing suraj and swara saw a girl hiding) then I got so know it was drama
Suraj chuckled remembering collage days, he took admission only to complete his masters which he left 2 years back, he never thought that collage will change his life.
Uttara leaning to him: but I was scared to come in front of you suraj. I m sorry...
Suraj: it was my luck I saw you in road one day and searched for you...
Uttara: and by coincidence I saw Mrs. Sujata Maheshwari in park and heard her planning to kill bhabhi... Suraj what if I didn't heard her? We would have lost bhabhi and baby both..
Suraj tightened his grip around her thinking about possibilities, only he knows how much scared he was that day but finally all well when ends well...
Flash back ends
How can you do this Sanskar? Swara yelled at him all broken
You killed my baby swara again yelled pushing him when he tried to hold her don't touch me Mr Maheshwari I HATE YOU....
Sanskar's heart pained and broke hearing her: No love you can't do this I... I love you
Swara : today your love for me killed my baby... Tears were flowing from her eyes like river why you did this Sanskar? Why you choose me? Why didn't you saved our baby?
Sanskar: I didn't had any option jaan if it was in my hand then I would have killed myself and choose you BOTH but I can't loose you... I.... Don't hate me... I...
Swara: I don't want to see your face you are a killer... Get out from my life or you will see my dead body
That's it Sanskar's collapse in ground like lifeless body seeing so much hatred in swara's eyes for him...
Sanskar opened his eyes feeling movement on his shoulder like someone is shaking him... He got up with jerk and realized it was a dream no not a dream but a worst nightmare. He saw swara and hugged her who is looking at him with concern.
Swara's sleep broke hearing sound, what she saw shook her with fear seeing sanskar sweating and murmuring something she tried to listen but couldn't. She got scared seeing him shaking, shivering and at last his face went blank, lifeless she shook making him get up with jerk...
She somehow broke their hug and made him drink water.
Swa: I m with you Sanku sleep (she caressed his hair lovingly soon he slept hugging her like she will vanish)
Now swara's little baby bump started to show making her feel excited, now she become more cute and chubby making sanskar loose his senses every now and then 😉😉. Laksh is her entertainment package well he is more excited than swasan. He every week fill baby soon with toys for both Lara and unborn child. Sanskar take utmost care about swara her exercise, her check up.
Swara is sitting in sofa while sanskar is sitting opposite to her in same sofa putting nail polish on her leg.
Swara seeing his face who is doing his work with full concentration giggled: Sanku wow you put nail paint so beautifully.
San: thank you my highness from now i will only put this doctor told you na not to bend...
Swa: OK 👌 (she said with twinkling eyes) I want to go out please na it's been long time you didn't took me out (said with puppy face)
Sanskar carefully putting her legs down: OK LOVE we will go but No outside food (he said strictly while swara nodded yes like a obedient child)
Sanskar shook his head seeing swara and her antics well he read many books related to pregnancy, their mood swings even he have seen Ragini's mood swings Laksh was always ready to run here and there to bring whatever Ragini wanted or tsunami used to come but his wife is different she become so sweet and obedient child never demand anything, at starting she used to show tantrums to eat or drink milk but now even that stopped such a innocent baby she become but yes she become too emotional ever ready to cry making his heart bleed.
Swara saw him lost in his thought and made weird faces: Sanku what are you thinking?
Sanskar coming to senses hearing her : nothing let's go to park OK
Swara throw her hands around sanskar's neck hugging him: you are best hubby... (making sanskar laugh loudly)
In park
Swasan are sitting in bench seeing children playing, swara kept her head on his shoulder : soon our baby too will come to this world to play with us Sanku...
Sanskar's smiling face faded away hearing her, he remembered the complicated she is having and again it broke his heart. He somehow controlled his erupting emotions just hummed in response.
Swara: Sanku choose OUR BABY....
Sanskar looked it her shock written in his face....
Precap: let me think 😉
Oops swara got to know about her pregnancy complication 😱😱😱
What will happen now?
Swara said to choose baby what will be Sanskar's reaction?
What will he do?
Will Sanskar's dream come true?
Will Swara hate her Sanku?
How will Sanskar face her hatred?
Stay tuned guys....
I m very dissapointed so less vote and comment 😭😭😭😭
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Fanfictionswasan revenge love story. 23/1/2018 2nd rank on short story