Swara woke up stretching her arms and scanned whole room for sanskar but he was no where... She shifted herself to wheelchair and went to bathroom.... Swara slowly came out of room after getting ready and then came down, she looked around but couldn't find anyone.... She heard sound coming from kitchen....as she entered she became shocked seeing sanskar making Roti that too fully dressed up as chef... And all chefs were standing in line keeping shocked expression on their face 😄😄.. Swara giggled seeing their funny faces and saw sanskar who was busy in pouring tea on cup..
Swara cleared her throat to gaining his attention...
San: Hai LOVE, come let's have breakfast today for the first time made Roti and curry hope you like it..
Swara: what was the need to do this sanskar? Chefs were there to make it or you should have told me.. (servants nodded yes, sanskar glared then.. They got scared)
San to servants: put all on dinning table.. (to swara) I wanted to surprise you come now eat and tell me how is it (excited tone, swara smiled)
Sanskar himself served bf for swara and started to feed her....
Swara: Sanku I will eat myself you have yours.. You will get late for office..
San(while feeding her) : I will have afterwards and about office you don't worry.. Well you didn't said how it is?
Swara smiled and took one piece of Roti and fed sanskar: now tell how is it?
San while chewing: Mmm not bad...
Swara: ha you can keep dhaba, sanskar ka dhaba.. And she giggled, sanskar have her are-you-serious look.. Swara packed his cheek.. And both feed each other..
Sanskar was getting ready for office while swara was staring him..San: (smirked seeing her checking him out) staring is rude Mrs Maheshwari..
Swara came to sense hearing him: kya karu my husband is so hot so handsome that I couldn't resist myself from staring him.. (sanskar got shock hearing her answer while she winked at him)
San shook his head and came near her: LOVE don't go out of this room without Smitha, and if you need anything just call me OK (swara nodded, sanskar kissed her forehead) take care bye..
Swara smiling: bye and ha bring my ice-cream while returning.. Love you Mr Maheshwari
San: (grinned widely) LOVE YOU TOO MRS MAHESHWARI... (and left to office)
After half an hour
Swara was sitting in bed watching TV but she was getting bored now..
Swara: (to herself) oh god it's so boring today.. Mmm let me clean this room... (she sat on wheelchair and opened Sanskar's wardroom..) oh god it's so messy.. This Sanku na can't he keep it clean..? (she took all clothes and kept in on bed.. And started to fold it after pressing.. And arranged it in cupboard neatly, she was going to close door her eyes fell on album she took it and started to see)
Swara: may be its Sanskar's album (excited) let me see his childhood pics.. (she opened it and saw a cute 2 year boy with Sujata and with a Man) who is this person? May be his father.. Sanskar never talked about his father..where is he?
(then she saw teenage sanskar side hugging a girl) who is she? (she turned and see smiling sanskar back hugging Sujata both seemed to be happy) he is so happy with Sujata aunty.. (Sujata was kissing his forehead) if sanskar loved his mother then why is he hating her now..(next she turned page and saw Sujata in left and Man in right in middle sanskar and girl were standing they were looking like family) Sanskar what are you hiding from me?? (she closed the album)

Fanfictionswasan revenge love story. 23/1/2018 2nd rank on short story