After shopping all came to restaurant to have lunch, SwaraginiLak ordered their lunch while Sanskar was busy in his phone doing some office related work Ragini was again pampering Swara leaving her poor cute hubby...
Ragini: Shona you should eat more see you become so thin...
Swa: but Ragu Di I eat so many as if I m baby elephant you know na i get hungry soon still you are saying I m thin (said cutely like a 5 years child)
'Someone tell this girl that there is difference between eating healthy food and junk food like ice cream, chocolate, chip' murmured Sanskar still gazing his phone.
Hearing him Raglak laughed little while Swara made crying face innocently 😫😫
They were having lunch when a girl came wearing short dress which was hardly covering her tights with V cut in above near Sanskar smiled seductively
Girl: hello SM what a coincidence
San: (giving a professional smile) Hello Miss Khanna nice to meet you (to others guys she is Ms Veebha Khanna Businessman Mr khanna's daughter and Ms Khanna they are my family (about to introduce them when cutted by Veebha)
Veebha: don't be so formal Mr Maheshwari we are friends right (tracing her finger on his hand)
Swara was seeing all this cursing her under her breath: chudail didn't she got any other Man that she is eyeing my Sanku I know he is handsome to extreme level and no one can resist him 😍😍 but still he is MINE only i have right to touch him like that... And this Sanskar is just sitting silently enjoying her touch let him forgive me then I will send him out of my room... This chudail Dayan kahiki I curse you Tere baal ujad jaye, danth gir jaye 😡😡
Raglak who were sitting beside her both side heard her and controled themselves not to laugh loudly while Swara is giving death glare to them. Sanskar who saw her face got to know about her jealousy and smirked thinking something...
San(sweetly) Ms Khanna why are you standing please have a seat (realising there is No extra chair for her)oh I will ask for extra chair wait (about to call waiter when Veebha stopped him)
Veebha: No need of any chair Mr Maheshwari (she sit in his lap) this is a best place for ME to sit and it's so comfortable also what you say 😉?
Swasan and raglak got shock seeing her bold move, Sanskar give her a tight smile while Swara's eyes become teary seeing them so close, she excused herself and left from there with heavy heart.
Veebha got up seeing her leaving with teary eyed and glared Sanskar: see what have you did 😡 poor girl left crying how can you do this to your wife Sanskar? asked with anger
Sanskar is seeing her retreating figure with hurt face said: same way she thought to leave ME even after knowing I m nothing without HER
Laksh: will anybody tell me what's happening here? And Veebha what the hell was that asked angrily
Ragini: (calmly) I will tell...
Jiju wanted to make Shona realise her mistake... Mainly his PAIN..Laksh got confuse hearing her: what do you mean? She had realize her fault she know she did wrong and trying to ask his forgiveness... She can feel his PAIN
San: NO SHE CAN'T (said angrily) there is difference between feeling pain and SUFFERING from that pain. Living in fear of loosing her always is killing ME but she can't understand it if she would have theń (low and painful voice) muje chodke nai jati... (would not left me) (saying this he too left behind swara as he can't leave her alone when she is sad)

Fanfictionswasan revenge love story. 23/1/2018 2nd rank on short story