Swara: choose our BABY
Sanskar was shocked to react anything only one thing came to his mind: How on earth she did come to know about her complications..
Swara as if reading his mind said : I got my reports in locker two days before, you forgot to lock it that day.
San: jaan LOVE you.... You don't take tension OK I m here na i will... I.... (in mind) what Sanskar? What can you do? You can't do anything.. You are a looser. First you failed to protect her from your MOTHER now this...
But came to sense feeling touch on his face saw swara cupping his face with love: I know you will never let anything happen to US (she said smilingly) sanskar as a mother I want to be with my baby, to hold him or her, to nourish every moment with baby... (straightly looking at him)
Sanskar's mind went blank he don't know what to say, yes he had made his decision and he had chosen his WIFE over his baby their SYMBOL of LOVE. He know swara will hate him but he is determined to protect her even if it cost his life.... He is ready to face her hatred but not ready to see her dead damn he need her as oxygen. But now when swara know about it how will he convince her? How will he tackle this situation?
Swara continued: mother always think about baby's betterment but for the first time I want to be SELFISH Sanku (sanskar was amused) I choose MYSELF.
Sanskar was shocked hearing her, he was like did he heard something wrong? But came to senses hearing her voice.
Swara saw his expressions and smiled in tears and continued: I want to be selfish to be with YOU, to LIVE with YOU, I always hurt you Sanku choosing my pain but not this time... I know if something happens to me our BABY not only loose a mother but also will loose a father. I know my Sanku can't live without ME, my Sanku will be destroyed fully and now I understand it very well that SANSKAR IS NOTHING WITHOUT HIS SWARA. I m selfish in your love Sanku I can't leave you leaving you alone in this world and as mother too I don't want my baby to crave for parents love because I know if anything happens to me you will never able to accept or love our baby wholeheartedly.
Sanskar thought: she is right he will never able to accept or love baby wholeheartedly because that baby will remind of swara's death but also baby will symbol of her so he couldn't hate also but he won't hate their baby it's symbol of them, his Swara.
Swara hold his hand between her palm: I know I m doing wrong with our baby but I know its for our betterment sometimes we have to make toughest decision in our life. If god want me and our baby both will be safe and sound.... And I know god won't do injustice with US, mainly I have trust on our LOVE, your love will save both of US.
Tears rolled over from his eyes and he hugged her with all his passion, today she had relived him from biggest fear. Today his swara chose HIM over her pain, her insecurity.
I love you jaan saying he kissed her forehead lovingly while swara giggled feeling love from her hubby.
Swa: Sanku we should share it with everyone.
Sanskar looked at swara: are you sure?
Swa: I don't want them to feel left out, they are our family and they has right to know.
Sanskar nodded understandingly. She is right everyone has right to know.
Maheshwari mansion is pin drop silent, after coming from park swasan disclosed swara's pregnancy truth leaving them dumbfounded. Añnapurna has tears in her eyes seeing their children suffering, Sujata Maheshwari casted her darkness even after leaving this house. Uttara is crying hugging Suraj, Ragini glared Sanskar for hiding such thing from her about her Friend, Laksh is feeling helpless for his bhai he thought now everything got well finally his brother got his happiness but he was wrong. He failed to see his brother's pain which is he hiding.
Swara saw everyone sad, she knew they will be but still she disclosed it because that's what FAMILY DO. We should never hide anything from our family just because thinking they will be sad. If they got to know about that hidden matter from anyone else they will be not be SAD but BROKEN.
Swara: everybody stop crying. You are all behaving as if really WRONG will happen.
Rag: Shona how can you be so calm?
Swa: because I have my family... My husband with ME. Ragu why to cry thinking about future? I want to live this moments with you all HAPPILY. I don't know what will happen in future but I will not be sad thinking about it Ragu. Let's not waste time by being worry but make a beautiful memory.
All were dumbfounded listening her. She talked so maturely, Sanskar felt proud hearing her indeed his wife is unique. Now he won't be worried thinking about future but will cherish every moment with her and their baby.
Suraj smiled seeing his sister who is smiling even knowing biggest hurdle in her way but he know nothing will happen to anyone. He remembered SWARA who was about to leave HER SANSKAR after knowing about she can't become mother. He can sense huge difference between both swara today.
Uttara wiped her tears and said: bhabhi is right guys and I m sure nothing will happen to her... After all GOD won't take risk knowing she has very very kadoos and dangerous hubby and over protective brother (pointing at suraj).
All laughed at her while sanskar and suraj glared her.
Swara after having her dinner now is sitting on bed writing her dairy.
Baby Mumma is sorry very sorry for choosing herself i will never able to forgive myself for taking such decision but baby I have seen your father suffering due to ME not once but many time. Even now every night he woke up having nightmares, your Papa loves you lot baby and I know if he himself choose me then guilt for not able to save you will KILL him. I want to remove him from this guilt I m so sorry your Mumma and Papa both love you lot please be safe, please fight for us baby and come to your parents please.
By now she was crying silently, her lips are shivering and hands are shaking. After all she is a mother it's not easy to choose but she did this time for her LOVE. she choose to be wife but mother failed may be. Only god knows what will happen in future.
Sanskar is seeing everything from window, he know his wife is breaking, he knows she is blaming herself, he knows to choose him she betrayed herself. To take him out off his guilt she took it on her shoulder. After all he knows her more than she know herself.
He silently walked in to room after wiping his tears.
Sanskar: (lovingly) JAAN...
Swara wiped her tears hurriedly and turned to him with smile on her face. Sanskar knew it is FAKE smile but he didn't had courage to say it loud. He silently sat near her and kissed her forehead while she snuggled into him.
Precap: don't know
Today I won't ask anything..... While writing this part i felt like crying 😩😩😩. Hope you like it...
One question everyone must answer please
Swara did right by choosing HERSELF?
What is your point of view about swara's decision?

Fanficswasan revenge love story. 23/1/2018 2nd rank on short story