Beautiful Like You

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After Sebastian finishes up the Charlie Puth song the rest of the concert becomes a virtual blur for me.

It is quite unfortunate really, because all of these boys have absolutely beautiful voices. A pity I can't fully focus on their songs. What with my mind being a hurricane of thoughts and emotions.

My head and my heart keeps swinging between Sebastian and Hunter.

Those two, tall, handsome, incredibly talented, green eyed boys.

Sebastian and his penchant for speaking French at some of the most inconvenient times, knowing full well what his long dormant accent does to me. Whose sea green eyes can captivate me from anywhere in a room, drawing my gaze to him immediately.

Who I love and want to marry. To spend my entire life with.

I swear.

I think....

The songs go on around me and I don't really focus on anything in particular until Rachel starts bouncing obnoxiously in her seat beside me.

I nudge her in the ribs and hiss her way.  "Rach, what's gotten into you??"

She's smiling widely as she points to the stage, whispering back to me. "Cedes and I did this one last year."

I finally focus fully on the stage in time to see Trent, looking ever the precious boy in his uniform, addressing the crowd.

"Well, Flint and I have wanted to do this for quite some time. A good old fashioned Diva Off. What do you guys say? Would you guys like to hear it??"

Cheers erupt from the crowd as I turn to glance at Blaine.  He grabs my hand, squeezing it tightly.  "Aladdin, who's Flint??" Before he can properly reply to me a vaguely familiar looking Warbler begins to sing.

Holy crap!

They were doing wrong by not featuring more of their voices because this guy sounds absolutely phenomenal, putting all the necessary sass and sexuality into the Maureen parts.

Before long the entire crowd is on its feet, cheering along as Trent and Flint do a playful little 'Diva Off' as he so cleverly put it.

I'm squealing myself as Trent hits some particularly spectacular high notes.

"Blainey-bear, I'm so proud of our unicorn child.  He's fabulous!!"

Blaine wraps his arm around my shoulders and squeezes me to his side as the boys on the stage start wrapping up the song.  "Shanny-pie, you and Trent are going to take LA by storm for sure."

There is no mistaking that. Trent shares a friendly hug with the other boy as they finish up their vocal duel. More of the Warblers come back on stage and they launch into another high energy song, feeding off the crowds reaction.

No escaping when I start
Once I'm in I own your heart
There's no way to ring the alarm
So hold on until it's over

Oh, do you know what you got into?
Can you handle what I'm 'bout to do?
Cause it's about to get rough for you
I'm here for your entertainment

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