Half of My Heart

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Sunshine filters through the gaps in the blinds. I can feel the warmth on my face.  But I roll away from the light, towards the wall and bury my face more in my pillow as I clutch it tight. Covering my face against the invading day.

Although my pillow is warmer than I expect it to be.  And harder.  I reach out with my fingers and squeeze it tighter only to be met with a small gasp and strangled sleep filled words.

"Be gentle Princess.  No bruises.  We wouldn't want everyone to think you have been torturing me."

My eyes barely open and I gasp out his name in surprise.


Sebastian chuckles as his hands run tenderly down my spine

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Sebastian chuckles as his hands run tenderly down my spine.

"Sh..... Mon Chérie, go back to sleep. It's only 9:45. Lets cuddle a little longer."

I hum in agreement, wiggling myself deeper into the cocoon of his arms.  His fingers dance lightly across my skin as I murmur softly, almost unnoticeable.  But another small laugh from Sebastian let's me know that he hears me anyway.

Sebby, if only your friends could hear you now.  Being all soft and cuddly.

He brushes my hair away from my face, pressing warm lips to my temple and whispers in my ear, as he wraps me into a tight embrace.  "Hush, my Love. No one but you can see me like this.  It'll ruin my reputation otherwise.  But sleep Princess, let's sleep."

I nod, closing my eyes. Letting the beating of his heart and fingers running through my hair lull me into a feeling of peace.

Of contentment.

But somewhere in the recesses of my mind his words register to me.

It's only 9:45.



Instantly my eyes fly open and I'm struggling to sit up.


I all but fall off the bed in my hurry to sit up, to try and get up.  Sebastian's hands are the only thing keeping me from not doing so, steadying me.  But not allowing me to fully slip out of the bed.

Nononononononono...... I'm gonna be late. So very late!!!!

Sebastian's eyes are wide with fear as he processes my frantic words. "Shannon, you're scaring me now. Late? What do you mean late? You're not like?? Oh god..... oh no.... I knew we should have been more careful.... Fuck."

Slowly I register why he is panicking so hard and I try not to laugh.  I lay a gentle hand on his shoulder and he looks at me absolutely wrecked.

Voice softer than usual, somewhere between fearful and pleading.

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