Dancing Through the Flames

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Sebastian looks at me with wide eyes as everyone else processes what I just said.

"Pretty Girl, did I hear you correctly?  Did you just say that you wrote that song for Blaine?"

I give him a small smile and nod.

Yes Bastian, I did.

Somewhere across the room I can hear Puck's voice calling out loud and clear.  "Anderson-babe, why couldn't you have been here last year too?  We'd be on our second National Championship by now.  No offense Rach, but Shannon's a much better songwriter than you.  Just going off that one alone!"

I'm blushing now. Blaine comes to my side, pulling me away from Sebastian. Although Seb doesn't let go of my hand without a fight.

A pout on his face.

And a whisper of I'm so proud of you Princess, you're so talented leaving his lips.

I blow him a kiss as Blaine finally pulls me away.  Sebastian leaves to go chat with Thad and oddly enough that younger Warbler, the one who said he looks up to him.  I think he said his name was Skylar.

"Shann, you made that song seem completely effortless.  Meant for Blaine.  How did you do that?  I tried so hard last year and it took me forever to come up with something even halfway decent."

Someone laughs and throws back in response.  "Please don't bring up 'My Headband' again!  That was truly awful."

Finally I tear my eyes away from where Sebastian is to focus fully on the small group that is now surrounding me.  Rachel, Kurt, Quinn and Britney are looking at me expectantly.  Gnawing on my lower lip some I glance quickly at Blaine.  He has a satisfied smirk on his face as he ruffles my hair.

"My little Belle has been writing things for as long as I can remember. Making up little songs for us.  I was just appreciative that she let me use it for my audition piece.  Carmen Tibideaux ate it up."

I sigh as I desperately try to fix my hair again. "Aladdin it was nothing. You said you wanted something special and I had 'Going Nowhere' just sitting there. So....."

Someone turned back on the music and my friends drag me off to the makeshift dance floor.  I'm not there long before I am practically bowled over by a giggling ball of sunshine.


See I knew wearing my sneakers with this outfit would be beneficial. I catch the giddy body, only teetering slightly on my feet. In my arms is a very smiley, seemingly quite inebriated Trent.

"Shaaaaannnnnnn....... dance with me!!!!! We're gonna find so many hot California boys. Prettier ones than Seb and Hunter combined!!"

He's slurring slightly and clinging to my arm. Kurt is giggling softly behind his hands as I glance around my circle of friends. "Okay, who gave my unicorn son so much alcohol??"

A heavy hand comes down to rest on my shoulder as the others point behind me.  "Sorry bout that Babe.  I thought Sunshine could hold his booze better.  Turns out he's a giant lightweight."

Really Puck?!

I roll my eyes as Trent lets me go and starts playing with Britney's ponytail.  "Your hair is like silk gold..... can you make me a vest out of it??  Soooooo soft......."  Brittney is giggling uncontrollably as Trent playfully tugs on her hair.  She whispers in her cute little girl voice just as Santana wanders over to our little circle.  "Shanny, I love your new Dolphin!"

"Water Sprite, why is Sunshine Warbler pawing at my girl like this??"

Trent turns to look at her with wide eyes, fingers waving a hello.  Then his hand juts out to grab at her hair too.  "Ooooooohhhhhh..... Your hair is so shiny!!!!!!  Letme touch!!!!"  She backs up and grabs his wrist before he can touch her.  And then he looks at me with a pout on his face.  "Shanny, your friend isn't being very nice."

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