Maybe All This Time I've Been Wrong

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"As much as we've enjoyed performing for you guys this afternoon, we have reached the end.  But we hope that we've made you smile.  So without any further ado, I am Sebastian Smythe and we are this year's Dalton Academy Warblers."

I can't help the smile on my face or the heat I can feel as a blush creeps up my cheeks while I watch the Warblers perform the last song of their farewell concert this year.  Hear Sebastian's last introduction as captain.

These guys are fantastic.

Absolutely breathtaking to behold.

All of them.

As much as I hated the prospect of moving away from Pittsburgh all those months ago, I am glad that I did.  That I got a chance to meet these beautiful, wonderful, sweet and talented boys.

Their voices wrap around me, everyone but Jeff and Hunter oblivious to my presence watching them from the wings as they sing and dance for the entertainment of the audience seated just past the footlights.

Sebastian's sensual tenor floats above everyone else's voice as he takes the lead.

It's you, and me
Movin' at the speed of light into eternity (yeah)
Tonight, is the night
To join me in the middle of ecstasy
Feel the melody and the rhythm of the music around you (around you)

My eyes are instantly drawn to his figure, completely captivated by his movements, remembering the last time I heard this song.   When he and I danced together at Dalton's prom.  I love just watching him, moving with his group, his friends, not knowing that I am secretly creeping on him.

Singing, turning, spinning, dancing.

All long, lean limbs. Tight, taunt muscles honed through years of lacrosse and tap lessons.

I know for a fact that he is far stronger than he appears and it takes all of my self control to keep from cheering like a silly fangirl from my spot just behind the side curtains. I'm internally fawning over that tall, devastatingly handsome, green eyed boy.

My fiancé.

My Sebastian.

By the time the chorus hits, I can just spy the audience jumping to their feet as the guys shift into a very complex set of choreographed dance steps, much like Chris Brown and his posse in the music video but more elaborate.

And that is when I realize why Jeff was so desperate for Hunter to come back to the stage.

The Warblers must have deferred to his hip hop training, because although Sebastian may be the vocal lead on this song, Hunter is most definitely leading their little dance troupe right now.

And he does it with such ease, power and masculine grace. I already knew from ballroom lessons that he was a natural leader, but I'm truly awed at his skill as a choreographer and teacher here. The steps he has his fellow Warblers doing do not look easy by any means at all.

At one point he does a really tight turn and catches my eye before he starts up again, all the while still singing the background harmonies to the song.  The wink Hunter throws my way has me positively weak in the knees, clinging to the curtain at my side as my cheeks heat up.

I'm in deep here, really, really deep.

Our eye contact only lasts a few beats and then he is off like a shot. Running and tumbling across the stage with some of the other Warblers. Showing off those Olympic level gymnastics skills he bragged about when he skillfully lands a full twisting layout.

On a slick stage.

In dockers and hard soled dress shoes.

I'm reasonably impressed by that and from the cheers I can hear, the audience was as well.

It takes everything I have not to jump up and down, cheer loudly or rush the stage as the last few lines ring out clear.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh yeah
Forever ever ever ever, forever ever, oh

And just like that the stage lights go completely dark, dropping me into a tranquil silence as the plush, red velvet curtain drops.  Sufficiently hiding the boys from the audience just off the stage.

The stage lights jump back up full force once the curtain is completely down.

Most of the guys are congratulating each other on the stage, hidden from the crowd by that heavy red curtain. My eyes follow their movements, mainly Sebastian's until a shadow crosses in front of me. Strong hands wrapping around my wrists and pulling me into the light again.

It can only be one of two people, the only ones who know I have been standing here watching them.

His hands leave my wrists and loop around my waist, pulling me tightly towards his strong body. And my basic instincts kick in as my own arms find themselves draped around his muscular shoulders.

Voice muffled because his face is buried in my neck as he leans down to kiss me there.

"Angel, I love you so much. Thank you for staying and not running away again. Are you ready to talk? About me. About you. About him??"

I pull back some so that I can look into his eyes, so soulful and a beautiful mossy green.  And I nod.

Hunter smiles so big at that, his eyes, those playful green eyes, sparkling with hope. He loosens his grip on my waist, only keeping one arm wrapped around me as the other reaches up to pull mine down from their perch.  Almost as if he were readying me for a dance to begin.

And then I hear it.  Through the din of the other boys on the stage.

"Pretty Girl!!!  You came backstage to see us!"

Before I even know it, a breathless, beaming Sebastian is standing in front of me.  And I'm cold because the warmth of Hunter's body has disappeared from around me.  He has faded back into the crowd again, a sad smile on his face as he looks back at me just once before leaving.

Mouthing out a simple phrase for just my eyes.
'We'll talk later...'

My eyes refocus on my fiancé, on Sebastian standing before me. Reaching out to lace our fingers together.

"Bastian, why else would I be here?"

(A/N: Title from Darren Criss's new song 'Foolish Things' from his Homework EP.

Falling in love
Was another foolish thing
That I never really needed
But you were the first to change my mind

❤️ Shann)

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