Chapter 1

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This is my first story and ill have 7 chapters unless y'all want more. If you have any ideas or suggestions please place them in the comments below

This story take place 3 weeks BBY at the rebel base o yavin 4 from Sabine point of view.

Day 1

Sabine was in her room on the ghost thinking about her life after this war ends, will she return to Mandalore to her family or will she stay her with her new one, with hera, who became like a second mom to her and Kanen who was like a dad in someway and Ezra, who had matured so much in the past few years, from this little kid to this... This Man she would catch her self thinking about or staring at, she could understand why, was she starting to .... LIKE him or was it more then that. She was deep in thought

When she heard a knock at the door. "Come in" she said, Ezra opened the door and came in looking around the low light room when he saw her on her bunk, " hey sabine, kanen and hera want us at the briefing room in 5." he said with a smile. "alright , but why do you have that look on your face?" she asked. "We have a mission, just you and me." he said. "Great not another one of those." she said sarcastically as she lightly punched him in his shoulder, she walked pasted him and realised he has grown more then she realised when she now has to look up to him, as she remembers when it was the other way around. They walked to the briefing room togeather. When they walked in the room was but empty except for hera and kanen. "Hey guys, I hear you have a mission for Ezra and me she said" half serious, half sarcastic tone. "Yes its of great importance to us" hera said with a serious voice. "Ok, well what is it?" sabine asked with a more worried look to her face. "We need you and Ezra to go under cover to coruscant to talk to a defector about information on the Emperor him self." hera said handing her a data pad with the mission briefing written on it. "Wow, okay then, when do we leave." she said a little to excited. "First lets go over everything with your covers." she said in a slightly nervous tone, "you two will be traveling as a ... Couple wanting to see the capital of the empire" she said hesitantly know what was too come. " WHAT!" sabine yelled, trying to play off that she was rather excited about it. "You want us to be a couple?" Ezra said, with a big smile on his face. " don't get any ideas." she said looking at him now in the eyes. She never thought the day would come for a mission like this, she could finally tell and show him how much she cares for him. "You will leave tomrrow night at 23:00, check in with rex before you go he has your gear and clothes for the mission." hera said as she and kanen walked out of the room leaving the her and Ezra by then selves. " well I'm going to get back to the ship, you coming?" Ezra asked. "Yeah sure." she said, her mind still racing.

Back on the ghost in the common room

"Hey can we talk Ezra?" she said. " yeah, what about?" he asked as he sat next to her on the bench. "I... I wanted to talk about us." she said nervously. "What do you mean?" he asked confused. "I want... No I need to tell you how I feel about you." she said in a quite voice "I care about you Ezra and with this mission coming up... I." he cut suddenly by hugging her, " I love you sabine." he said only inches from her face. She looked in to his eyes putting her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips. Shocked at first but then Starting to kiss back Ezra stopped her and said "Sabine how long have you felt this way" "to long" she replied kissing him again until she realized someone just opened the door to the room breaking the kiss only to see hera standing there with a smile on her face. "I guess this mean I win the bet." hera said. "WHAT BET!!?" sabine yelled back. "On if you two would finally get together." she said half laughing. "Who's all in on this bet??" she asked pissed off, still rapped around ezra. " oh Just zeb and me." hera said in a playful voice. "I hate you right now." she said in a sarcastic voice knowing she could never hate hera. Looking back at Ezra as hera left "so what now?" she asked blushing. "We can stay here for a little bit longer?" Ezra said. She nodded and kissed him again before setting her head on his chest.

Later that night

Sabine is away in her room with her thoughts about what happened earlier that day, when her door opened and Ezra walked in. "You could have knocked." she said. "Yeah I'm sorry, I just can sleep and was wondering if I couldn't stay in her with you awhile?" he asked softly starting to turn red. "Uh... Yeah sure." she said as jestered to sit next her. As he sat down sabine moved closer putting her head on his shoulder having him put his arm around her as they sat there in silenance falling asleep.

Ezra awoke a few hours later not remembering where he was at first until he saw he was still in Sabine room, looking down seeing her slightly shivering from the cold room, trying not to wake her used the force to put her blanket around them as he then closed his eye. "I love you sabine." he said quietly as he fell asleep with her in his arms.

Sabezra: under cover to coruscant.Where stories live. Discover now