Chapter 3

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Standard Disclaimer: all characters, references, species, etc are property of Disney and they retain all rights.

Day 3

As Sabine woke up in Ezra arms who was already awake reading the mission info on a data pad. "Hey sleepy head." he said kissing her head. "Hey when do we arrive?" she asked with a yawn. "About an hour I wanted to let you sleep." he said softly. "Thank you, I'm going to get some caf, do you want some?" she asked as she got up out of the warm bed. "Yeah sure ill have one." he said with a smile. She came back a few minutes later with both cups handing him one. "Thank you." he said kissing her. "Have you read this over?" he asked. "No tell me about it." she said sitting back on the bed. "Well we have to meet a defector who has information on the Emperor, the meeting is in a bar, the code to meet is 'how's the weather in section d12." he said confused "how's the weather in section d12?" she repeated just ask confused. "Well I know a place we can go eat not far from the meeting place." she said while getting her clothes on. "Okay... We can check out the meeting place then go get food, sound good?" he asked. "Yeah sounds great." she replied. Ezra go up and started to get dressed as Sabine went to the cockpit to prepare for there exit from hyperspace. Ezra soon joined her. He sat in the seat next to her. "Are you ready for this?" she asked taking his hand. "Yeah, are you?" he asked back. "I..I'm scared ezra, what if something happens to you." she said worried. "Everything will be fine." he said moving over to kiss her.

As they dropped out of hyperspace they saw three massive Star Destroyers when I transmission came through. "Civilian Freighter transmits landing codes now." a imperial officer said over the comm line. "Sending codes now." Ezra said has he transmitted the code hoping it will work. "Civilian Freighter you are cleared welcome coruscant" the officer said ending the transmission. "I'm glad that worked" she said. Ezra then made there final landing checks before touching down at a landing pad. Sabine got up and grabbed there bags and began to walk to the ramp to then be joined by ezra, she handed him his bag as the ramp lowered and meat by two men. "Can I help you?" ezra said. "We are here to collect you parking fee." the man said. Ezra nodded and handed the credits. "How far are we from the meeting place?" Ezra asked looking at Sabine. "only a few blocks, not far at all." she said taking his hand and beginning to walk to the bar she knew was right around the block. "Shouldn't we go check out the meeting place first?" he asked. "I'm really hungry can we eat first?" she asked with a face he could say no too. "Fine." he said with a smile as she lead him to the bar.

When they arrived the bar was pretty empty except for the few people her and there they sat in a booth sitting right next to each other and looked over a menu, the server droid came and took their order.  while waiting for their door Ezra look over at Sabine who was still scanning the room, "Sabine" he said in a soft voice. "Yeah?" she look back to him to meet looking at his blue eyes. They didn't say anything just stared at each other getting closer till they started kissing only to be stoped when Ezra let go of her hand, she let out an annoyed grown until it she realised why he let go, he put his hand on her thigh and began kissing her again. His hand moving closer and closer until she she stopped kissing him he removed his hand "is everything alright, did I go to far, did I..." she cut him off "yes everything is fine" she place her hand on his back on her thigh even higher then he just was, "I just wanted to say that i love you ezra?" she said kissing him again. He was about to reach the top of her thigh when the server droid came back with there food. "That was great timing." he said annoyed. "Its fine we can continue this back on the ship tonight." she said playing with his hair. As they finished eating and walked out of the bar on the way to the meeting the two notice a hooded figure followed not far behind, Sabine takes Ezra hand and they make a turn done an alley way to find the hooded figure followed. Sabine let go of Ezra hand grabbing her blaster spinning around now aiming at the figure. "Who are you and why are you following us?!" she yelled. The figure didn't respond. She was about to shoot when all the sudden, " how is the weather in section d12?" Ezra asked. Sabine shocked but not looking away from the figure. "Its not as nice a lothal." the figure reviled them self to me a human women. She through them a small disk Ezra grabbed it they both looked at it for a second, when they looked back she was gone. "Well that was a meeting." Ezra said laughing. "Well lets head back to the ship then." she said. They walked back to there ship and got aboard and took off with the mission going of with out a hitch. "So we are done a week early, what should we do now?" she asked Ezra with a grin. Well we could stop by lothal, they don't need to know we finished early...?" he said. " yeah just you and me...I-I would reply like that." she said smiling.

Thanks y'all for the votes and follows the next post will be up later today. Have a happy thanksgiving

Sabezra: under cover to coruscant.Where stories live. Discover now