Chapter 8

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As the family walk off the ship at hoas wren, Sabine stops and stands still. "What's wrong bean?" Ezra asked worried while holding Mira's hand. "I... I don't know if I can see my father like this." she said beginning to cry. "Oh Sabine, everything will be alright." he said hugging her. "Ok lets go." Sabine said seeing her mother walking towards them. "Grandmom!" Mira yelled running to her.  "Hey little one." Ursa said picking up Mira. "How is he?" Sabine asked hugging her mother. "Your father is ok today." usra said walking then to the house. As they entered the house Sabine saw her dad sitting on the couch reading a data. "Hello father." Sabine said as she hugged him and began to cry. "Hello sabine, where my favorite granddaughter?" he asked after letting go of Sabine. "Im here." Mira stated with a smile. "Yes you are, lets go to the bed room so mom and grandma can talk. okay?" he said picking her up. As they walked off Sabine became very blunt, "how long?" she asked as she watched him walk away. "Three maybe four weeks at the most." usra said sadly. "Sabine we need to talk in private. Sorry Ezra." She said with a smile. "Its ok ill go wait with Mira and your dad." Ezra said kissing Sabine. As he walked away usra jestered for Sabine to take a seat. "What is it mother and why can't Ezra be here for it?" Sabine asked confused. "Its mandalore, another civil war is braking out and we need your help to stop it." usra said looking at her. "No... I can't do that im sorry mother, I have a family to worry about I can't get into another war." Sabine said sternly. "Ezra and Mira will be fine with out you for a little while, we need you here." usra said taking sabines hand. "Mother.... I can't. Okay what I'm about to tell you can't leave the two of us I haven't told Ezra what I'm going to tell you." she said forcing her hand away. "Okay what is it?" usra said confused. "I... I am pregnant again." she said finally. "What?" usra said in shock. "Ezra and me are having another baby and I haven't told him yet, its a surprise, and I can't fight in a war and risk my child's life." she said standing up. "We are her for father and that's it then we are leaving." Sabine said before storming off to find Ezra. "Hey ez can we talk?" Sabine said standing in the door way. "Yeah sure what is it?" he asked as he walked out of the room. "My mother wants me to stay and fight another civil war." she said. "Are you?" he asked worried. "No I can't leave you and mira and with...." she said catching her self before she said to much. "With what?" Ezra asked crossing his arms. "Look I wanted to surprise you." she said taking his hands. "With what?" he asked again. "Im... I don't know how to say this. I'm pregnant Ezra." she said looking in to his blue eyes. "Wait we are going to have another baby?! That's great bean." he said excited as he hugged her. "I'm so glad your happy." she said kissing him. "Of course I am." he said smiling. As they put Mira in bed for the night Sabine and Ezra go and watch the sunset on the roof. "so beautiful." Ezra said. "Yeah it is, isn't it." she said. "No I mean you. I love you sabine." he said putting his arm around her. "I live you too Ezra." she said resting her head on his shoulder.

Thanks guys. Sorry this one was shorter. The next chapter will be out later today.

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