Chapter 15: The New Era

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As Sabine and Ezra woke up and got ready, they where think how Mira was going to take the news. As they walked out and started making breakfast and everyone sat down at the table, Ezra look over at Sabine who nodded. "Mira sweet heart we need to talk to you about a few things." Ezra said. "Ok daddy." she said. "Me and mommy have decided it take you to the Jedi temple to learn." Ezra said. "What if I don't want to go and I want to stay here with you?" she asked. "Well I'm going to be teaching there and so will Uncle kanan." Ezra said looking over at Sabine who had a nervous look on her face. "Well as long as your with me daddy." she said hugging him. "Well lets start packing you leave in two days." Sabine said picking her up.

As the next two days rolled on by Sabine became more and more upset. Ezra was getting the bags on to the ship, when he came in yo the house he saw sabine with a blank look on her face. "Bean what is it?" he asked. "Nothing its just in not going to see my little girl for awhile." she said with tears in her eyes. "After the first month you can come every weekend, luke already gave you the permission to do so." he said hugging her. "Ok good." she said letting go of Ezra. "Its time bean." he said kissing her. As the family walked out side Sabine bent down to Mira. "I love sweetheart and ill see you soon." she said hugging her good bye. "I love you too mommy." Mira said letting go. "Be safe ez." she said kissing him. "Ill see you in a few days." he said taking Mira's hand as they boarded the ship and took off. As they arrived at the temple they were meat by luke. "Hello Master Skywalker." Ezra said shaking his hand. "Hello Master Bridger and hello mira it nice to see you again, are you ready to start your training?" luke said with a smile. "Yes... Yes I am." she said proud of her self

                                   The End

Thank you guys so much this book was a lot of fun to make I'mans I hope you enjoyed. I'm not going to post for a little bit so I can write for the next story which will follow Mira as she goes and starts her training.

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