Chapter 9

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Standard Disclaimer: all characters, references, species, etc are property of Disney and they retain all rights.

As Sabine's father is now on his death bed, Sabine and Ezra with Mira stay with him as the rest of house wren is no where to be found. "Where could they be." Sabine said worried about her mother. "In sure there fine." Ezra said. "I'm going to go walk around and see of I can't find them, are you ok here?" she asked standing up. "Yes Mira and me will stay with your dad." Ezra said holding Mira in his lap. "Ok ill be back." she said walking out of the room. As Sabine walked around her old home remembering when she was a child she her something from down the hall, as she walked to the door and opened it she found the rest of House Wren gearing up for battle. "What's going on here?" she asked her mother. "Like I said we are preparing for war, you need to take Mira and Ezra home now Sabine." usra said not even looking at her. "What about father, he's in his death bed I can't leave him." Sabine said with tears in her eyes. "If you don't leave by tonight Ezra and Mira will be in danger go now say you final good bye yo your father and go home." she said still not looking at Sabine. "Mother why are you acting like this." Sabine said tears running down her face. "Because you won't stay in fight with your real family so go to your other one." usra said. "How dare you." sabine said spinning usra around. "Did shame my family because I don't want to risk there lives and my baby's life for your stupid war." sabine said before turning away and walking out. As she walked back to Ezra she could help it but cry, harder then she ever had. She looked up from where she was sitting to see Ezra kneeling next to her. "Come on bean lets go home." Ezra said holding out his hand. "What?" Sabine asked confused. "I heard everything, come on lets go spend a little more time with your dad then lets go home." he said picking her up. She couldn't do anything but hug him and cry even more. "Okay lets say good bye." she said wiping the tears away. She enter the room while Ezra and Mira where out side. "Good bye father I love you so much and ill miss your so badly." she said being to cry. "Sabine ill be fine go love and live with your family, don't let what your mother said get to you. I love you my daughter." he said giving her one last hug good bye. 

Later that day.

As Sabine, Ezra and Mira where on board there ship in hyper space. Sabine and Ezra where in cockpit and Mira was asleep in the bed room. Sabine still with tears in her eyes. "Sabine, look at me." Ezra said taking her hand. "I'm so sorry bean, I don't know what you could be going through but..." "thank you ez. I just want to be alone for rights now." she said cutting him off. "Ok bean. Ill be in our room. Let me know if you need anything." he said standing up and walking to the bedroom. 'Should I have stayed to fight. No if anything happened to me we would Ezra would lose me and the baby I could never do that to him.' she thought in her head before getting up and going to there room. She opened to the door to Mira's room see she was fast asleep she shut the door and walked to her and ezras room. When she opened the dorr she saw Ezra in bed on a data pad. "Hey bean." he said with a small smile. "Hey ez. She said getting in to bed and in to his arms. "Who does she thinks she is." she said to her self. "What?" Ezra asked looking down at his wife as she put her head on his chest and rapped her arms around him. "She said that we aren't a real family and that my real family is on mandalore." Sabine said with tears in her eyes. "Oh Sabine." ezra said as he rubbed her back. "How could a mother say that to there child." she said. "Hey come on lets get some sleep its been a hard day. We can talk about how evil your mother is in the morning." he said making her smile. "I love you ezra." she said kissing him. "I love you too Sabine." he said turning off the light. Soon the two where asleep in each others arms.

Thanks again guys we have over 650+ reads now and that only possible because of y'all. With that ill be posting 3 chapters tomrrow and as always if you have any ideas or comments. Leaving them below.

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