Chapter 22: Reconciliation Pt. Two

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A/N: Oh. My. GOD!! Guys!! You're so amazing, seriously this is so overwhelming!! We just hit over 1,000 votes and comments and 15.6K reads!! Not only that, but I just hit 100 followers. Wow. You guys are amazing, seriously I can't thank you enough! Enjoy the chapter you guys! Thanks again!! :-)


Connor's sobs eventually reduced to sniffles, and he finally looked up, Evan handing him a tissue. He wiped his eyes, smiling at the smaller boy.

"T-Thanks, Ev." He tucked some hair behind his ear before reaching over to give Evan's hand a quick squeeze. Evan gently pressed another tissue in his hand, motioning to Cynthia.

The woman was also crying, though hers' were tears of joy. Connor scooted closer to her on the couch, handing her the tissue the same way Evan had done for him.

"Thank you, sweetheart. I promise I'm not sad, I'm just super happy for you and I'm glad to have you here, okay?" She spoke gently, placing a hand on Connor's check as she used her free hand to dab her eyes lightly with the tissue. Connor hesitantly nodded, still feeling somewhat guilty; he smiled at her anyways.

"MOM! I'M BACK FROM PRACTICE." They heard the clang of the door shutting, followed by the shuffling of footsteps on linoleum. Connor's heart skipped a beat; it was time to talk to his sister.

Zoe was the one Connor had, arguably, done the most harm to. His baby sister. He loved her, he really did, but when he lost control... that's when it all started.

He would sometimes come home late at night, high, and slam his hands on her door. He would threaten to kill her while she cried for him to stop. Sometimes, he didn't even have to be high.

When they were little, they were the best of friends. God, he'd do anything to go back to that. Things were so... easy back then. He didn't have to worry about mental illness, suicide, drugs, fights, or anything else. All he worried about was little league baseball games and Sunday trips to the zoo and orchard.

Things were so... simple and good. Why did things always have to change? Was it so much to ask for to have even a day back to being an innocent, safe child? Apparently so. There was nothing Connor could do to change his past, as much as it sucked. But he'd be damned if he wasn't going to at least TRY to med things with his sister.

A quick kiss on his cheek brought him back to reality. At first, he thought it was his mother, but the blush on Evan's cheeks said otherwise. He felt his worries wash away for a moment.

That was, until Zoe appeared in the doorway of the living room. Panic had come yet again to sock him straight in the face it seemed.

"Connor... hey." Zoe looked at him, giving a smile smile. She seemed pained, but also relieved.

He shook his head a bit, standing up and walking towards her. His heart broke a bit when her first instinct was to flinch and back up. Connor stopped, turning towards Evan and Cynthia.

"I, uh, I think I need to handle this one alone." Cynthia nodded, giving her son an encouraging smile. Evan gave a nervous smile, glancing down at his hands.

With that, Connor turned towards his younger sister, nodding towards the stairs. He watched as she climbed the stairs, taking one last deep breath before following.


Zoe's room was slightly cluttered. It was painted a navy blue with a purple shag rug on the white carpet, and galaxy bedding on the queen-sized bed. The bed itself had a mountain of stuffed animals resting on it. Zoe climbed onto the bed, grabbing a worn teddy bear, staring at it, rubbing its arm with her thumb as she smiled sadly at it.

"Do you remember this?" She held it up to Connor, who's head snapped up as her voice broke the silence. She gave him a desperate look, tears suddenly brimming her eyes. Connor did recognize it.

It was the bear that he'd gotten her for her 6th birthday.

Connor couldn't believe she still had it. He got up, sitting on the edge of the bed, taking it from her gently. He stared at it for awhile, tears welling in his eyes and slowly running down his cheeks.

He placed it back on Zoe's lap, not looking at her. He was openly crying now, overwhelmed.

"Zoe... I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry. I'm an asshole. You didn't deserve ANY of this. I just... God, I wish I could take it all back but... but I can't."

"Yeah, it was... pretty terrible." Zoe looked up from her lap, tears streaming down her cheeks as well. She clung to the bear, pulling it to her chest. "I just don't get it. We were so close, Connor. And I'm angry at you. And I have every right to be mad. You hurt me. A lot."

A choked sob came from Connor as he pulled his legs to his chest. "You're r-right. You have every right to be... to be mad. I was awful, you didn't deserve it."

Zoe scooted closer, grabbing Connor's hand. He flinched at the touch, but looked at her, sniffling.

"I can't forgive you yet. I can't even trust you yet. But... you're still my brother, Con. And I'm so happy that you're getting help, and that you have Evan now and... I love you."

Connor smiled, throwing his arms around his sister, and they stayed like that for awhile.

Eventually, Connor pulled back, wiping his eyes. Zoe did the same, but she started to laugh. Connor eventually joined in, her laugh being contagious. It had been so long since he'd heard her laugh.

"What're we even laughing at Zo?" He held his stomach as their shared laughter died down, both of them still crying.

"Your hair. It looks like a birds nest. Have you ever heard of a shower, Connor? You look like a damn hobo." Connor snorted.

He had his little sister back.

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