Chapter 23: Reconciliation Pt. Three

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A/N: Hello, long time no post! Sorry for such a long wait, thank you all for being so patient! And to all of the new reader; welcome! I'm so happy to have ALL of you, and THANK YOU FOR NEARLY 25K READS!!! Seriously, it means SO MUCH to me. Now... prepare for me to mess with your emotions! MUAHAHAHA!


The Murphy siblings stayed like that for awhile, savoring the first pleasant interaction they'd had in quite a long time. They joked, laughed, and cried.

"So, what next? I mean, like, obviously you'll be talking to Dad. Right?" Zoe was right about that, but he felt a pang of anxiety at the upcoming talk.

"Yeah, I am. When he gets home, I guess." Connor played with the strings on his hoodie, unsure. Zoe patted his shoulder, trying to offer some kind of comfort to her brother. Connor laughed a bit, appreciating the attempt.

Zoe watched her brother, feeling bad for him. "Hey, why don't we go downstairs and make sure Mom isn't smothering your boyfriend with hugs." She lightly punched his shoulder. Connor smiled tiredly, nodding.


Zoe, Connor, Cynthia and Evan all sat around the Murphy's living area. They all ate some Chinese takeout, trying to distract Connor's anxiety as they waited for Larry to return home.

The television was on, showing reruns of America's Funniest Home Videos. Zoe was texting Alana, while Cynthia seemed hyper-focused on her food. Evan was curled up next to Connor, leaning his head in the other boy's shoulder.

Everyone was incredibly happy, and content. They laughed, and talked, and enjoyed each other's company.

Then they heard a car pull into the driveway, and Connor's heart skipped a beat. Evan looked up at the taller boy, grabbing his hand and giving it a tight squeeze.

Everyone was quiet, watching the doorway. About two minutes later, Larry walked in; he was met with the sight of his family, plus Evan, staring at him.

His son was there. Connor had come back. Instantly, a wave of relief washed over the older man.


No one knew where, or how, to start. Zoe coughed sarcastically, "accidentally" hitting Connor in the side.

"SON OF A-" Connor began before quickly catching himself. He gave Cynthia a sheepish smile, and she smiled back gently, gesturing towards her husband, his father, gently. Connor swallowed hard, shakily walking toward Larry.

"U-uh, Dad, can we maybe talk? Like, now? It's, um, it's important." Connor let go the breath he didn't realize he was holding in as Larry nodded. Connor awkwardly nodded back, returning to his spot on the couch. Larry took a seat in a nearby recliner. Evan not-so-subtly grabbed Connor's hand in quiet support.

"So, uh, I wanted to start off saying... thanks for agreeing to take me to rehab. I know I...I technically went before but it... it wasn't really enough. So yeah, thanks." Connor managed a small smile, staring at his lap.

Larry nodded solemnly, "Connor, I should've done it sooner. I honestly shouldn't have let it go so far." Connor nodded, squeezing Evan's hand a bit tighter. He started to feel angry, but he knew he needed to stay calm. Lashing out wouldn't get him anywhere.

"Why did you let it go so far? I mean, you saw what was happening? Did you just... not care? I know we didn't always get along but, I don't know... I guess I had just thought you'd be more willing to help." Larry stared at his hands, a grim expression resting upon his face. He got up slowly, approaching Connor and kneeling in front of him.

"Connor, look at me." Connor swallowed hard, looking up slowly. Tear welled in the corner of his eyes. He was surprised to find tears in his dad's eyes as well.

"When I was your age, we didn't typically deal with things like drugs or mental illness. I grew up in a strict Christian household with your Aunt Terri. We didn't watch TV, we didn't have cellphones, and we grew up in a close-knit Catholic neighborhood. Your grandma was sweet, a typical southern belle. My father, however... he was different." Larry glanced away, remembering his late father.

"Dad was very traditional. He believed a wife's job was to stay inside, to clean and cook. Mom was their for him. We went to church every Sunday, and whenever your aunt or I did something wrong, Dad would get a wooden plank and give us a couple of lashes. And that's how I grew up. I was around a mindset that there was nothing a little tough "love" and a beating wouldn't fix. I was told that homosexuality was a disease. That mental illnesses were demonic and could simply be "prayed away". I was told that God would heal all." Larry chuckled sadly, tears now trickling slowly down his cheeks.

"So when you and Zoe came around, I had a similar mindset. Luckily, I had realized how screwed a lot of what he said was, though it's difficult to overcome almost sixteen years worth of conditioning. So when YOU started having difficulties, I didn't know what to do. What I did was wrong, Connor. What I went through wasn't an excuse for how I CHOSE to behave, but you do deserve an explanation." He patted Connor's knee, giving his son a sad, gentle smile. Connor was for the third time that day, crying. He looked up at his father.

"I-I'm sorry." Connor mumbled, avoiding Larry's eyes. Larry's brows furrowed.

"For what, Connor?"

Suddenly, the floodgates opened. Years upon years of pent of rage and sadness over his damaged relationship with his father came pouring out in a series of ugly, heavy sobs. "For EVERYTHING. For n-not being normal. For lashing out. For hurting you and Zoe and M-Mom, and-" Connor was cut off by a tight hug. Larry had stood up, leaning over to hug his son. After a moment's hesitation, Connor hugged back. He was trembling, sobbing violently.

Slowly, Zoe and Cynthia got up, teary-eyed. They both wrapped their arms around the boys, joining in for a group hug. The first one since Connor was in 6th grade.

Larry looked up from the hug, locking eyes with Evan, who had scooted away as to not be intrusive. "Evan, thank you. You've given me my family back."

The Murphy's all looked up, smiling at Evan. They all simultaneously got up, placing Evan in the center of the family group hug.

And he couldn't be happier.


A/N: I really hope that chapter was worth such a long wait. Again, I deeply apologize. I hope to post again soon! Later! <3

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