Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

We court the next available ship out of the docks the very next morning Katerina would still cry at times and I did the only thing I could do I held her and she cried for the loses of her child. The ship we where on would take us to England before the month was out.

I knew Katerina would start to ask questions as soon she got over the shock of all of this. How had I gotten the money to pay for all of this, I knew I would have to tell her the truth about everything, our parents, my plans to run away, everything, she deserved the truth after all she had been though.

It was two weeks into the pastiche that Katerina spoke up about the money, I was in our bedroom on the bed when she came in and sat down besides me on the bed cross-legged.

"how are you paying for all this I know I have been a bit out of it since we arrived on this ship, but I an feeling better now I knew that she is better off without me she can have a better life, be loved more as somebody else's child that my bastard one."

I could not speak how had she come up with such garbage is beyond me, I had to get such thoughts out of her head NOW. I would not let my little sister think so little of herself or her child. I toke her hands in mine and held them tight and spoke with as much conviction as I could

"sister, Katerina how on earth can you say that, about yourself or your little girl, I know it hurts and that is partly my fault I never told you what are parents were like, I could not bring myself to destroy your innocents like that.

Katerina I love you and it's ok to feel what you have been feeling, I know that you are hurt but it will get better and I made sure that your little girl went to a good a family if our bastard of a father had his way she would have gone to an orphanage."

Katerina let out a cry at this, stories of orphanage's where mostly stories of horror.

I knew that I had to tell her about our parents now otherwise I would never do it.

"Katerina our parents are not who you think they are, father is a very brutal man and mother she is so scared of him that when he says jump she asks how high no matter who get hurt even her own children, you did not see it because I did not want you to see it I wanted you to keep your innocents for however long you could. The reason I have so much money is that I have been saving everything I got since I was thirteen years old. I was going to run away see different cultures full in love and leave them to their own miserable little lives."

Katerina looked shocked just like I knew she would, then she just looked excepting.

"You would take me will you" she asked looking shocked again as what I had said having truly sunk in.

I could not help feeling a little betrayed that she even thought I would not take her will me.

"Of course I would you with me, why do you think I have stayed there that long for." I said

"now I have all ready got us an apartment in the middle of London it's not the high of the town, but it is not the lowest either, now we will both have to get jobs sewing or as a maid I also toke the liberty taking the Petrova jewels not like they with need them."

I said laughing at the look on her face it looked priceless. And that's what we did laughed and cried and just talked for the next two weeks on board the ship.

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