Chapter 13: By the Light of the Moon

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  • Dedicated to my Mom and rock

Chapter 13: By the Light of the Moon

Kaleena’s Prov:

I had heard that the doppelganger was safely sealed in her home by the Bennett witch. I Knew that I would like this girl, she did not try to run and hide for forever like Katarina did. She was selfless and kind everything I always wanted in a daughter. I still thought she was stupid though, the only requirement for the Sacrifice was that she was human, it did not say in what shape of form she was in.

And surprisingly Stefan Salvatore was in the tomb with Katarina, I just knew she was loving that! I knew my sister, she had always been the same, any drama and she just had to be in it, At the centre loving every minute of it.

I and Elijah were going into town today to pick up the archives that Jenna Summers (the guardian of Elena and her cousin/brother) had so we could look though the. I think that Elijah was actually going to write the book, he was just that bored.

It was a full moon tonight, Elijah and I had heard that another wolf Jules was asking around for Mason Lockwood, how had died by Damon Salvatore’s hand. And Tyler Lockwood would be undergoing his first transformation to the wolf. I and Elijah were going to go down to the old tunnels that were all over Mystic Fall from the Viking era/ when Elijah lived here with his family. He had promised to tell me stories about all of them when we was down their. Just like we used to years ago, we would sit up late into the night and just talk about our families. What we did not like about them, what we loved, we shared everything with each other there was not one thing we could not asked about each other, if someone asked.

 The Sheriff had officially declared Mason Lockwood a missing person, just what we all needed, a vampire hating human, which did not even know her own daughter was the thing she hated. Poking her nose in things to big for her to understand.

Miss Bennett saw Luka today she apologised for channelling him, and almost killing him. If it were my call I would have snapped the stupid twits neck, for what she did.

We had arrived at the Gilbert house, and the woman hum I presume was Jenna asked us to come in, not even checking if we were vampires, I knew then that the information that we had was true, she did not know about the things that went bump in the night. That worked better for us anyway, so I had no intention of telling her the truth of the things that her charges were getting up to.

Jenna talked about how the archives were all boxed in storage in closets, I wondered for a moment why someone would box up history like it meant nothing. But then again humans were fascinating sometimes, with the things they did.

As I and Elijah were looking at the boxes on boxes of archives, I heard the front door open and what do you know the doppelganger herself, I could tell by her heart beat that she was scared, not just for herself, but for her family as well.    

 As we leave, I and Elijah both hear Elena run upstairs to her brother/cousins room to see if he was ok. As if we would hurt him, he would just come back to life with the ring he was wearing anyway, so it was a waste of time and effet to kill him.

As Elena knocks on the door to the boys’ bedroom I catch her wrist in my hands and Elijah makes a shushing noise.

As Jeremy opens his door Elijah and I both hide, so the human could not see us. We did not need a macho human boy to add to the mix. As he opens the door I hear him, say

“What is it?”  

 “Jenna was just asking me to get you to help her with the boxes. “  replied The Doppelganger

“A wise choice” I say as Elijah and I come out of hiding.

“What do you want?” She asked in a defeated kinda voice.

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