Chapter 10: Rose Part 2

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Chapter 10: Rose Part 2

Elijah Prov:

I could tell strait away that Rose – Marie was scared for her life (not that her life was in danger) not that she needed to know that; I could also shocked at who was besides me. I knew that she would not say anything either way. But I had to get my kicks from somewhere.

The inside of the old manor house was even worse than the outside, if that was even possible. I could see that all the windows were boarded up, it could only mean that one or both did not have a sun light ring. This was good news for me even if one managed to escape, they would not get far.

Rose told us to forgive her for the houses state, and took us both into a side parlour. I knew her and her boy toy Trevor had the doppelganger and would want to netigate their freedom for the doppelgangers, and while it would get Rose off for her part in the Katarina debacle in my books, did not mean it did in Nicklaus.

 Rose told use that Katarina did not die in the church, now that was a piece of information that I did not know. I could see though Kaleena’s mask that she had not known either. Even if she had, she would have told me, we do not keep secrets from each other, ever. If it’s one thing we both hate it’s betrayal, we promised each other long ago, that we would never lie to one another. What we said to others did not matter as long as we never lied to each other.

Kaleena asked if Rose had her in her position. Rose told us she did not but she had better Katarina’s Doppelganger. I acted surprised and said that her family line ended with her. That was Kaleena’s queue to talk about how she was sorry and that she had not told but for the shame it, had brought on her family. I knew she could do it she was a good actor; after all she was a Petrova.

Kaleena Prov:

I could tell that Rose was scared had she completely forgot that we were vampires; we could hear her take a breath of air for the other side of the door. I felt that bit of sorrow from earlier come back I had all ways liked Rose she could just use better friends.

Rose told us to forgive her for the houses state, and took us both into a side parlour. I knew her and Trevor had the doppelganger and would want to netigate their freedom for the doppelgangers, and while it would get Rose off for her part in my sister’s escape, in did not get Trevor off. I knew how Elijah worked he used the English language to its fullest parental.

Rose told use that Katarina did not die in the church that was news to me. I could tell though Elijah mask, it was news to him to. Good not that I’m not happy that my sister is alive and well, I hope. It’s just she did not try to contact me or even look for me ever.   

I asked Rose if she had her in her position, which she replied that she had something better, her doppelganger. I could see Elijah acting surprised and had I not known my bonded mate as well as I did, I would actually fall for his act. I knew that was my queue to tell how I was so sorry and that I had not told him for the shame of it, had brought on my family. I knew I could do it I was a good actor; after all I was a Petrova woman.

I let it all out about how my sister had a baby out of wed-lock as I got down on my knees in front of the chair he was sitting on begging for forgiveness. I could tell he was amused as I was, by my preferments. Elijah made a show of patting my head and tell me to shhh’ and there was not harm done I was just protecting my family.

I could tell Rose was stunted at the stunt we had just pulled, but hey one of us was one thousand and the other was five hundred, we were old, we had to get our kicks from somewhere.  If she wasn’t so stunted she would have notist, he said he would only pardon her, he made no mention of Trevor. As I said he used the English language, to its fullest parental.

We both followed her out of the room into the main one on one side of the room was Trevor he was quivering like a spineless coward he was. And in the middle of the room standing by the sofa was the doppelganger herself Elena Gilbert. I would have thought it was my sister had it not been for the heart beat that was beating artily in the room, but her spine was strait and her face was emotionless. I stand by want I had thought earlier she had the Petrova fire, in spades.   

Elijah made a move to see what she would do up close as he ran up to her I was the only one that could see him. To me it looked like he was brisk walking, towards her. He made a show of smelling her saying

“Human. It’s impossible. Hello there”

I knew he was just playing her. But looking at her in the eyes I could tell she was really scared, so I shouted down from the top of the stairs.

“Elijah we have what we need, I want to get out of this backwater town”

I could see he was amused even if no one else could, he knew just by looking my way I had a soft spot for the girl. How could I not she was a Petrova, family.

“We have a long journey head of us. We should be going.” 

He was trying to comfort her, not that anyone but me would be able to tell. He was not good with crying women: men, vampires, werewolves, give them a crying woman they act all the same.

The doppelganger looked at Rose please- dingly and asked for help. Even before she looked away I knew what she was going to do, Rose wanted her freedom to much to sacrifice that now.

 “One last piece of business and we’re done.”

I knew Elijah had wanted to do this for a long time, I would not interfere, not that I wanted to any way I all ways did find Trevor annoying.

“I’ve waited so long for this day, Elijah. I’m truly, very sorry.” Said Trevor looking not that sorry at all in my opinion.

“Oh no, your apologies not necessary.” Was he dragging it out on purposes or what?   

“Yes, yes it is. You trusted me with Katarina and I failed you.” Grovelling like a pig was really not necessary.  I wanted to shout at the stupid idiot.

“Oh yes, you are the guilty one and Rose aided you because she was loyal to you and that now I honour. Where was your loyalty?”

I knew that Elijah was just playing with him then, when he got the answers he wanted he would just kill him honestly I was rutting for him; to just get it over with I wanted him dead.

“I beg your forgiveness.” Good I thought you should be.

“So granted.” We those words Elijah swipes his hand casually and makes Trevor’s head become detached from his body. Rose gave a scream that sounded like a wounded cat. As she screamed


“Don’t, Rose, now that you are free.” Elijah made that sound so Platonizing that if he ever used that tone of voice on me, he would be on the coach for ten years.

After that it all went to hell in a hand basket; the doppelganger tried to negate her freedom with the moonstone, she had vervain on her and down we are being lead on a wild – goose chase for the doppelganger by two newbie vamps. I will say’s something though I did not expect for my sister to be in the tomb, that she was suppose to be one hundred and fifty years ago.

I took out the knife from by boot that I all ways had on me for these sorts of occasions. But before me or Elijah could do anything the older of the two vampire staked Elijah and I felt deaths welcome, I WAS PISSED.

I opened my eyes to see my life of my human and un dead life staked to the front door, he had just been left there like garbage or clothes on a bedroom floor. I WAS WRONG I WAS WAY MORE THE PISSED I WAS FRORIOUS!

I took him down and took him to the main room, and put him on the sofa, while waiting until he would once again regain Conchosness.  While I was waiting I thought of a game plan, I knew we needed a new plan, it looked like those two newbie’s loved the girl. so I knew she would be protected, while we came up with something and after so many years of not seeing my sister I knew, I was going to see her, even if it was to just scoop out what she knew or did not know.   

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