Chapter 67

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Chapter 67 

Joongki's office was anything but quiet and calm. He was seated in his chair with Jaejoong holding him down by the shoulders. His knuckles were white from fisting them too tightly.

Ming and Taeyong were both unable to look their father in the eye. Yunho was furious to find them in the Star Fall Cemetery for who knows what reason. Whenever they were asked why they were at the cemetery, they did not answer. As Guardian celestial beings, they literally could not lie, but the choice of whether to actually answer someone's question was still there's.

D.O had accompanied the twins quietly; his healed neck was stiff and sore after having it snapped by davea. When questions weren't answered by Ming and Taeyong, they were directed to him. But he did not say anything either.

There was no mentioning of Mei-Xing being the one who suggested that they go to the cemetery. They did not tell them why they were even there. They also did not mention that Hwanhee was with them. There was not even the slightest mentioning of the fact that Mai was even alive.

All three of them said nothing.

Why? Sincerely because these were the same people that covered up Mai's death, and they were the ones who had told everyone Mai was in an accident and that was how she died. They were the ones who lied first. So, who knows what else they could have possibly lied about?

They were dismissed to their dormitories as soon as Joongki made Yunho realise that they had much bigger issues at hand, and arguing with a few kids that simply snuck out after curfew was not one of them.

Witch Head Mistress Hyuna came and left a metre long scroll on his desk. On the scroll were the symbols and writings of the ritual that had taken place within the Arena. Those symbols would be able to tell the pattern in which the sacrifices are chosen. But unfortunately, it was revealed that the symbols and chants that were used, were as old as three millennia, no witch born in the twenty first century would be able to read as far as the second millennia.

Werewolf Coach Gikwang from the West Wing had Zelo, Yongguk and Daehyun returned to their pack home. Dr Yoochun had Youngjae's body encased. Funeral arrangements for Youngjae's passing would be taken care of within three days. Dr Woobin and his nursing staff tended to the shifting students that were waking from their conscious states.

Joongki feared the questions that were going to rise once the students wake up and realise what had happened, and if they did not come up with good enough excuses, they were all doomed.

Why is it that the entire West Wing suddenly fell into an unconscious state?

The excuse for now would be that the Wizard Committee had conducted a powerful and dangerous spell, a spell that drained everyone too close of their powers, hence, causing them to fall into a temporally sleep. The Wizard Committee had a training house, just east of their South Wing, close to the Shifting Committees West Wing.

Is Star Fall Academy no longer a safe institution for supernatural students?

It is safe. Just not right now....

What exactly happened to the Star Fall Training Arena?

Is it true that a werewolf student was killed by seven elemental boys?

If true, why would you think this has happened?

Was the werewolf student bullied by the Elementalist Students?

Could this be the start of an outbreak war between the two species?

Will it happen again?

Joongki sighed. A knock on the door snapped him out of his thoughts.

"It is Jay and his Hunters." said Jaejoong.

"Come inside." Joongki demanded.

One by one they filed into Joongki's office. They wore tight leather clothes with blades strapped to their arms and waists. Their skin was heavily inked with tattoos right up till their necks. Jay, the leader of shadow hunters, placed his hunter blade on Joongki's desk. Its white glow contrasted heavily near the dark painted scroll. "We have scouted every inch of the Arena. It appears that there are no demons lingering on the premises any longer. However, we have found clear evidence that there was presence of demons when the sacrificial ritual took place."

"I assume that you are referring to the group of seven elemental powered boys?" Joongki asked as he sat up even straighter.

Jay nodded his head. "We had a closer look at the markings on the bodies of the seven corpses; you will be able to tell that their bodies have previously been inhabited by demons. But we need not to worry, their demonic souls have already dissolved and returned to the underworld."

Jaejoong eyed the shadow hunters suspiciously. "Were their bodies inhabited by their own demonic soul or was it because of another demon that had tried to escape the underworld?" asked Jaejoong.

"Would it matter?" Taecyeon raised an eyebrow; the hunter attitude was all over his facial expression.

"It matters." Jaejoong glared at Taecyeon.

Jay sighed. "If you must know, the demons that inhabited their bodies were not their own souls. But either way... these boys are dead. And nothing can bring them back." Jay said before leaving with his team out the office door.

Jaejoong and Joongki eyed one another.

"There is a way to turn this whole thing around, you know that right?" Jaejoong narrowed his eyes at Joongki.

When Joongki did not answer, Jaejoong sighed in frustration.

"How much longer are you going to be like this? We can't just sit back and pray that chants or stupid curfews are going to help. We need to find the one responsible for this by attacking back. Fast. We need to fight back with every weapon we have and we need to utilise every resource we have. Jeez, Joongki! You have got to be the worst principal in history."

"You are right." Joongki said softly.

"Like you are just absolutely the worst piece of-"Jaejoong froze and blinked. "Wait what did you just say?"

"I said that you are right." Joongki repeated himself.

Jaejoong raised an eyebrow. "So you are agreeing to the fact that you are the worst principal ever?"

Joongki glared back at Jaejoong. "No, I agree with what you said about the fact that we need to fight back and utilise every resource we have."

Jaejoong could not believe this moment, Joongki had actually agreed with him for once. "You do know that what I meant by every resource we have, I actually meant-"

"I know." Joongki sighed as he pushed himself back in his chair back and opened a drawer. He pulled out a golden-lined envelope and handed it to Jaejoong to read.

"Encase those seven bodies of the Elemental students and hide them well. We can't risk any investigations to be done by anyone outside of SFA. This matter can only be resolved by us. And hence, we have no other choice... But to finally expose Mei-Xing to who she is, and to ask her help."



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