Chapter 76

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Sehun was quietly sitting on the floor of the SF Grand library, his back pressed against a towering bookshelf. Sehun needed this time for himself, time for him to make sense of everything that has been revealed to him as much as possible.

The sound of pencil scrubbing against paper sounded harsh in the quiet aisle of the library as Sehun took his time to draw exactly what he had pictured the eye to look like.
There were books sprawled all over the floor around him, and an icy iPad floating in front of him , waiting for Sehun’s command to scan the next thing he was busy drawing in his sketchbook.

“There. Done.” Sehun said to himself. He kept the sketchbook up in front of the floating iPad, and then the tab reflected a beam of light across the mirror like screen where it scanned the image of what Sehun had drawn.
He had already four links open on the iPad- a link that revealed personal information about a very specific student, a link that opened up the history of all things voodoo, a link about death and its secrets, a link about marble ancient artefacts.
Just when the scan was complete, and the iPad was about to open a new link, a heavy book fell on his head.

"Ow!” Sehun shouted and rubbed his head. He looked up to see something flying twenty feet in the air right above him.

“Oh! I’m so sorry dear.” An elderly lady librarian apologised sincerely. She was no taller than the height of Sehun’s waist and had the wings of a bee. Her glasses were dangerously too big for her face, and were probably half the reason why she struggled to keep herself afloat in the air.
“Its just- that-these books- are- so heavy!” The short bat winged librarian said in a buzzy voice as she tried to hold ten roman volumes of text books in her short chubby arms while flying.

Sehun felt bad for the librarian, so he stopped with whatever research he was doing and decided to help her out. “Allow me to carry them for you.” Sehun said to the librarian as he picked up the book that had fallen earlier on his head and he smiled at her.

“Oh, what a kind gentlemen you are.” the elderly librarian said as she began to pile a mountain heap of textbooks in Sehun’s arms. Sehun could not see where he was walking, so he basically just followed the fluttering sound of the librarian’s tiny wings.
“Thank you so much, young man.” the elderly librarian thanked him once they reached the lounging and study area of the library.
Sehun smiled and bowed to the elderly librarian. Now back to research…thought Sehun.
Sehun speeded his way back to the aisle where he was sitting alone and doing his research.
But when he returned to his spot…
Baekhyun was there.
And he was holding the iPad that had the information Sehun had scanned earlier on.

Uh oh…thought Sehun.

“What were you doing?” Baekhyun asked with a nervous chuckle as he walked closer to Sehun, raising the iPad up in front of him. “What are all these pictures about voodoo, and death, and marbles and…and Taeyeon’s student records?” Baekhyun asked Sehun slowly.
Sehun’s hands were shaking. He focused his gaze everywhere else but not on Baekhyun’s glassy looking eyes.

"What is the meaning of all of this? And what does Taeyeon have to do with all of it? I have not seen her for months now. Have you spoken with her? Do you know where she is?” Baekhyun asked Sehun.
Sehun closed his eyes and pressed his lips into a thin line. He was cornered.
Sehun tried to keep his calm, he really tried to keep everything to himself. But he could not. He could feel there was evil lingering within the walls of the Castle, and if he was true to himself, telling someone about what he encountered would make things easier on his side and could possibly be a major clue as to what was happening around them.

“Baekhyun, about Taeyeon…there is something you should know.” said Sehun.
And then Sehun told him everything, from the first encounter of the voodoo doll, to meeting Alyssa, to the revelation of the golden red orb, to where it was now hidden by Mei-Xing inside her black box that she carried around, and to how it was all because of Taeyeon’s death.
Sehun kept nothing behind.

_SFA_Grand Library_hour later_

Baekhyun and Sehun sat on the floor alongside one another.
Baekhyun’s face bared no emotion, except for his eyes that were puffy from crying. The revelation about Taeyeon’s death had hit him hard. Everything Sehun had told him seemed to be still processing in his mind.

“I’m really sorry, Baekhyun.” Sehun said after what seemed like an eternity of silence coming from Baekhyun’s side.

“What do you think happened to her? Why would anyone…” Baekhyun could not even end his question.
Sehun shook his head from side to side. “I don’t know. But it had to be because of something terrible. And it had to be something she was expecting. Why else would she hide a glass ball- or an eye or whatever that thing was supposed to be- inside a voodoo doll for me of all people to find? She was trying to hide it no doubt. But for what?”

Baekhyun nodded his head slowly, but then he began to feel sick.

"Are you okay?” Sehun asked Baekhyun.

“I will be. Don’t worry.” said Baekhyun as he closed his eyes and rested his head against a stash of books that were piled on a rack behind his head.

“How long have you kept this information to yourself?” Baekhyun asked Sehun.

"About three weeks.” Sehun said solemnly. “It was not easy for me, I swear. I was too afraid to say anything. So I tried investigating on my own to make sense of what was happening… that was until you came and saw my links on the iPad.”
Sehun looked down sadly. “If there was anyone I would have spoken to first about this… it would have been Luhan. But he is not around. And I worry about him too. Like what if something happened to him too?”

“Luhan can’t be taken down easily. Don’t worry.” said Baekhyun.
“Still.” Sehun said seriously. ““I swear if I see Luhan, the first thing I’ll do is punch him on the face for leaving without any warning.” Sehun mumbled. “These unexplained deaths are not to be taken lightly. Who knows what or whoever is behind all of this is intending?”

Baekhyun thought deeply about what Sehun said. “You’re right. There is someone behind all of this…. And that person needs to pay for what he has done.” Baekhyun said as he fisted his hands on the floor beside him.
“Or she.” said Sehun. “We can’t be too sure nowadays.”

There was quietness again, until Baekhyun finally found the courage to speak about the topic that he had feared to bring about.
“You said that the eye thingy is in Mei-Xing’s box, right?” Baekhyun asked as he turned his head to look at Sehun.
Sehun nodded. “Mei-Xing does not even know what else is in there.”
Baekhyun bit his lips and fiddled with his fingers. “Sehun…The sphere ball was not the only questionable thing that had happened to Mei-Xing.”
Sehun’s eyebrows arched up in question.

"The same night that Youngjae was attacked, was the same night that Mei-Xing got attacked by demons too. She sustained this injury that travels horridly down her back, now the other day in training she wore a polar neck as if she was hiding something. Also, Mei-Xing’s mood has been up and down. She seems a little distant. At times when I hug her, her body feels colder than mine. Its like…”Baekhyun sighed before continuing.

"It is like she is changing.” Sehun ended his sentence.
Baekhyun nodded his head slightly. “I can’t help but to think that whatever is happening within SFA right now is affecting Mei-Xing as well. She has been sleeping less, and her nightmares are getting worse. I want to help her as much as I can. But I can’t do that without knowing exactly what is wrong with her.”
Sehun looked down sadly. “What do you suppose we do once we find out exactly what is wrong with her?” he asked.

Baekhyun sighed. “We will have to wait and see, Sehun. Only once we find out the truth about her then we will be able to tell if Mei-Xing is something that we need to protect… or something that we need to protect ourselves from.”


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