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" winter wonderland - for kirah "

" winter wonderland - for kirah "

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Gone away is the bluebird,

Kirah and Marcus strolled along the elaborately decorated storefronts along the Detroit streets. She'd excitedly point out a few things she liked, or things that she was sure he would like. Marcus watched her, feeling a flutter in his heart at the way Kirah seemed to light up anywhere and everywhere they went.

He was so lucky to be with her, he knew, but there was something about the way she looked in the wintertime that made him want the world to know that they were together.

(So Marcus was a bit of a romantic, it wasn't a bad thing -- Kirah didn't think so, at least).

They spent their time doing that, until they both came upon a large ice skating rink. Marcus' eyes lit up and it was his turn to get inexplicably excited about something. Say what you will, but he had developed a knack for ice skating (probably because of all the time spent in Toronto. Hm).

However, as Marcus began tugging her closer and closer to the rink, Kirah felt her blood pressure start to rise. She hadn't been ice skating in a while because the last time went less than well.

There was a hospital visit involved, and a hefty bill was sent to her house a few weeks after. Not good times, not at all.

Now, she knew that Marcus would forgive her anything, but what if something happened again? Oh God, what if she broke his arm -- there went his whole career. She would never forgive herself.

She'd fallen enough times to have gotten used to it. For what it was worth, she'd always been clumsy, but she was sure that Marcus was poised and graceful on the ice.

Every bad scenario possible floated through her head, and she had to put an end to it.

"Marcus, baby, do we have to--"

Alas, he started speaking right as she did.

"Aren't you excited?" He called out, over the booming 'Winter Wonderland' instrumental that was playing from the speaker system right beside them.

He didn't hear her, but she heard him.

"Not exactly." She replied, trying to match his volume.

Marcus grinned, having heard exactly but not the negation of it. He pressed a kiss to her cheek.

"This is gonna be great! I can't wait! You know, I've always wanted to go ice skating around Christmastime." Marcus explained as, after they paid for the rental skates, they made their way to a seating area to switch shoes.

Kirah could hear him easily now and continued the conversation, swapping her boots for the white skates. "Why didn't you?"

When she looked up at him, he was smiling at her. "I was waiting for the right person, and I'm here with her right now."

She scoffed, giggling a little. "That's such a line."

"Not really. I mean, I do mean it. If ice skating wasn't romantic, they wouldn't have it in all those Hallmark movies." He insisted.

"You watch those movies?"

"Don't you?"

"No. My grandma does."

Marcus laughed. "I knew that there was a reason I liked her -- she's got good taste."

They both chuckled and, after he got up, he helped her up as well. They started making their way towards the rink and her heart began pounding again.

They were almost all set and ready to get on the ice, but she stopped right at the entryway. "I can't do this."

"Kirah, what's up?" He asked, putting both of his hands around her waist. Marcus was trying to calm her.

"I just don't want to hurt you. I'm not exactly the most agile on the ice anymore and, well, what if something happened? What if we fell and something happened to you?" She turned her head to look at him. Her eyes were wide and pleading.

Marcus frowned. "You're really torn up about this, huh?"

"Yeah." She nodded.

He smiled at her and kissed her cheek before helping her back to the seating area.

"I'll be fine, angel. I promise you, but if you're not going to have fun, then I don't want to do this. I mean, if you'll be anxious the whole time, then neither of us will be able to enjoy it." He explained.

She frowned. "Marcus..."

"Don't worry about it," he grinned, brightly. "How about we go for a walk instead? I'll try to keep both your feet on the ground."

"MARCUS!" Kirah yelled a little, cheeks red from both the cold and a little embarrassment.

He winked at her before pressing another kiss to her lips. "I'm just playing with you, girl. Come on, let's go look at the lights."

Here to stay is a new bird.

hey hey matsvhummels! i really hope you liked this and thanks for requesting! happy, happy holidays! 

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hey hey matsvhummels! i really hope you liked this and thanks for requesting! happy, happy holidays! 


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