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" merry christmas darling - for trinity "

" merry christmas darling - for trinity "

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I can dream and in my dreams,

There were logs in the fireplace and the warmth that was radiating from it was making Trinity feel more than a little drowsy. By all accounts, it had been a very exciting and eventful Christmas, spent with both of their families but now, it was time for the two of them to spend time with each other.

Taking one look at their living room, with fluffy blankets and cool pillows laid out on their big couch, anyone could tell how they were planning to spend their Christmas night: cuddled together and binge-watching as many Christmas movies as they could.

Trinity wasn't expecting to be awake for most of them, on account of running around for the past two days having put her in her place, kicking her in the butt. All she wanted to do was curl up, rest her head against Steven's chest and fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat -- but this was one of her traditions, and Trin wanted more than anything to keep it alive.

She loved watching all of the 25 Days of Christmas on Freeform, but this year, due to prior engagements such as having to prepare for her first Christmas as Trinity Strausburg, she couldn't watch them until now. One of her mottos was the infamous 'no time like the present,' but she was sure that she would want to spend the present sleeping.

Steven caught up on the way her eyes were blinking slower and slower, while she swayed side to side as he was making the couch up. It was a good thing he looked at her when he did, because she nearly fell backwards. He grabbed her and steadied his beautiful, sweet wife.

Steven didn't want to spend Christmas night in the hospital, after all and knew that Trinity would reciprocate that sentiment.

"You okay, baby girl?" He asked, scanning her face for any sign of turmoil or anything else that was worrisome.

All he saw was the sleepiness that she was trying desperately to blink out of her big eyes.

"Fine." She nodded, smiling at him.

Steven didn't really believe her, but he still let Trinity cuddle up beside him on the couch. It was unlikely that she would last much long after the opening credits of the first movie rolled, but he knew how she got when it came to traditions.

To Trinity, traditions were sacred. They weren't to be messed with and, since Steven shared a similar outlook on the subject, he didn't object much.

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