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" so this is christmas - for allison "

" so this is christmas - for allison "

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Another year over,

Kris and Allison's love story was all involved in the Christmas season. Their first date was at a Christmas tree farm while he picked out a tree for him and his parents.

In hindsight, it was a decidedly odd first date -- but Allison wouldn't have it any other way. Besides, Kris had confessed that it was the first thing he could have thought of because he was so intimidated by her when they first met.

The couple spent their one year anniversary at an ice skating rink, where Allison took Kris' hand in hers and taught her how to ice skate. He was really impressed with the effortless way she glided across the ice, while he was struggling to move a few inches.

Regardless, after their little adventure, they went out for hot cocoa and Kris asked her if she wanted to move in with him. Allison, overcome with surprise and emotion, nearly spilled her scalding drink all over her boyfriend.

Thankfully, she had quick reflexes and only spilled it all over the ground.

Allison said yes, naturally.

So, after they spent a year living together (and finding out little things about the other that didn't know before, like how Allison was very meticulous with how she brushed her teeth, and Kris had this odd way of making dinner), it was Christmastime once again. Chicago was covered with a beautiful blanket of snow the color of the moon and stars and sugarplums were dancing above both of their heads.

They were both incredibly in the Christmas spirit, and Kris was sure that it had a lot to do with the fact that Allison had brought out the Christmas decorations late on the night of Thanksgiving.

"You sure about this, doll?" He asked, helping her lug the cardboard boxes up from the basement.

She nodded, huffing a little. "Of course. Christmas is the best holiday of them all. We need to go all out this year."

They finished going up the stairs and set the two boxes down right in the center of the living room. He opened the lid to find strands upon strands of lights and garland.

"You go all out every year." Kris said.

Allison's reply was quick and she was already set on untangling the multicolored lights that she had set in her lap.

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